Chapter 17✅

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Harry had spent hours dragging Fenrir around the alley and he was finally beginning to tire.

Fenrir could tell this,"Hey love, we only need to pick up your custom orders then we can go home, okay?"

"M'kay" Harry answered with a yawn.

Fenrir lead Harry to the trunk store near the entrance to Knockturn alley and pushed the door open.

A bell rung overhead and a large burly man came in from the back of the store.

"Ah! There you are! I was just about to send a note to tell you that your order is ready." He gestured for them to follow him to the back of the store, where they found a workshop with a wide variety of tools and materials, spread sparsely throughout the space.

Leading them to a workbench, the man slid Harry's new trunk out from underneath.

Harry moved towards the trunk and knelt down, running his fingers across the smooth dark dragon leather and black oak chest.

He brushed his finger over the lock and felt a prick as the security drew a sample of his blood. Pulling Fenrir forwards Harry presses his hand, also, to the lock and waited as the trunk registered both Fenrir and himself as having access. The shop keeper then did the final spell which locked the blood security wards in place- preventing anyone other than the 2 from being able to open it.

Harry pulled the trunk out further and twisted the dial on the side.
The dial went from 1-6 with little images on each panel; a cauldron, a pan, a dummy, a book, a bed and a plant.

Harry smiled and twisted through each of the panels opening each one and inspecting the interior.

The cauldron opened into a potions lab with dim lighting and a series of work benches- storage shelves covered every wall and a door to the right held a little lounge for rest when brewing time consuming potions. Another door to the left went through into the other compartments.

The pan opened into a large modern kitchen with marble countertops and artificial scenic windows, letting in light.

The dummy lead to a room triple the size of the previous 2, with padded walls, spring flooring and racks ready to be filled with equipment and weapons. An array of different dummy's ranging in size shape and the ability to return spell fire lined the wall.

The book lead to a very large 3 floored library that Harry could store all of his books inside, it also contained a red soft leather sofa with an alcove which showed a lush forest beyond.

The plant opened into a fully functional self sustaining greenhouse with outdoor space enchanted like the sky.

Finally, Harry opened the last compartment and looked into the bedroom where he could see a large queen sized bed covered in royal blue satin covers. A door lead off to the back of the room where the walk in wet room bathroom had been placed and a large walk in wardrobe could be seen. Opposite the door to the wardrobe Harry could see the final door which had a dial, much like the one on the side of the trunk enabling the person to enter any other compartment from the bedroom.

Harry leaned back and closed the lid, smiling and nodding at Fenrir. Harry turned back to the box, spotting the dial for the final seventh compartment.

On the opposite side of the trunk from the picture dial, Harry moved to look at the serpentine silver detail.

Whispering, $OPEN$, The trunk lid popped up and Harry looked into the last compartment. Inside was a slightly larger the average, normal looking compartment. The sides were plush and padded covered in white Acromantula Silk lining and held multiple pockets for different sized objects to be secured.

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