Memory Ink✅

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Harry exited the shop surrounded by the pleasant buzz of his bond to his new familiar. Taking a deep breath, Harry turned to Fenrir, raising an eyebrow and gesturing for him to come over to him from where he had been exiting the shop behind the prowling tiger.

Harry observes the animal as Fenrir made his way towards him and realised there was no way that they'd be able to walk around with him following them around without standing out.

Turning to the man, now at his side, Harry gestured at the large cat with a pointed look and Fenrir chuckled, guiding both the smaller male, as well as, his mates new familiar further down the alleyway.

They came to a stop in front of another archway. When Harry looked inside he realised that it was a floo area for Knockturn, much like the one which could be found adjacent from the leaky cauldron, in diagonal alley. Albeit a darker, certainly dirtier replica of the area, but nevertheless the couple made their way into the area, aiming straight for a floo further away from the entrance.

"I'll be quick, love."

Fenrir briefly kissed Harry on the forehead, before stepping into the fireplace, calling the tiger to his side and grasping the back of its scruff tightly before stating his destination as he was whisked away in a spiral of green flames.

Harry stood and waited for Fenrir to return so that they could continue with their shopping for the day.

As Harry waited in the shadow of the fireplace, the floo across from where he stood lit up green and 4 people made their way from its depths. Harry watched as one of the males quickly pulled out his wand, casting a spell which rid the other 3 and himself of soot.

As Harry watched, he realised that he knew 3 of the people before him. Standing at the front of the group, nose tilted up slightly and appearance as pristine as ever, stood Draco Malfoy. His blonde hair not disturbed by the floo network- shocking, considering how much soot had been in it before the other man's spell.

Stepping out behind Draco, Harry could see Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. Narcissa moved gracefully as she glided out of the dank fireplace, coming to a stop behind Draco. Her blonde hair was perfectly arranged still in its bun and her robes fell in graceful pleats around her.

Lucius on the other hand stood firmly besides Narcissa, butter blonde hair slightly ruffled as if he'd tried to maintain his posture like his wife and son but not quite managed it. He stood tall and strong as he brought his cane to his side and looked at his surroundings.

The 4th person had long brown hair tied back at the nape of his neck, he stood slightly taller than Narcissa but about the same height as Lucius and looked to command an air of confidence in his stance. His blue eyes wandered the corners of the surrounding area as he took in his environment, assessing any threat.

The man's eyes settled on Harry, widening fractionally before they quickly narrowed and he got the attention of the other 3 people, who he had appeared with.

Almost simultaneously the blue and silver eyes of the 3 Malfoys rounded on him and Harry watched as a myriad of emotions flickered across their facial features.
Harry looked to Draco, he could see confusion, shock and curiosity.
Lucius looked on in distaste and dislike.
And Narcissa had a completely blank face, as if she'd suddenly put on a mask of indifference. The fourth man, who Harry could still not figure out his identity, remained stoic and expessionless except for a mild curiosity which Harry could tell he was allowing on his facial features.

Harry and the 4 people opposite him remained completely still for several minutes, just observing the other. Harry, finally deciding he'd had enough of the silent staring contest, shifted slightly and slowly moved forwards from the wall.

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