An incident and a phone call ✅(13/14)

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It had been a hectic past few weeks. Only 8 days ago, Harry was meeting Fenrir's closest pack and he could honestly say that he felt some kind of paternally loving bond to Kieth. It made absolutely no sense, he knew that, with Keith being older and all, but the feeling was there regardless.

He was also pretty sure that the male returned his sentiments, as he'd taken to following Harry around like a little lost puppy that trailed after its mama, in the following couple of days.

All of the wolves had eventually retreated full-time back to their pack house, leaving the newlywed alpha couple to themselves. And, oh boy, did they enjoy themselves. Quite frequently, multiple times a day, in various locations around the property.

Harry felt that this normalcy which had settled between them was how it should be. It was certainly how he wanted it to be.

Just the day after the pack were all officially gone, Fenrir had doted on Harry like it was no-one's business. He prepared Harry's food and took him into the nearest muggle town, visiting the cinema for a movie, then having dinner in a fancy restaurant and buying Harry a pretty pendant that resembled a silver owl, with Opal details and encrusted with blue sapphire eyes. It actually quite resembled Hedwig and Harry could only gasp at its beauty, before taking it preciously into his hands and admiring the details of the masterfully crafted piece.

They had then headed home, where they shared a chocolate fragranced aroma-salt, bubble bath; Fenrir all the while lavishing Harry's body with attention and the sweet caresses that sent tingles to his core. Not least enhanced by the reverberating sensations that echoed back and forth through their bonds, each one holding a distinct frequency that acted to stimulate a different erogenous zone and intensify their shared pleasure.

To say the least, Harry thought those moments were perfect. They were the moments where his mind's eyes would go white and all the evils of the world would fade from being, leaving only the brightest of hope, joy, pleasure and sensation.


Harry slowly gained a foggy awareness, roused from his warm bubble of sleep by the sounds of distant barking. Probably from in the forest, the wolves playing with their pups or Taiga acting like an excitable pup after finding a new toy. Though in Harry's state of awareness, he did not possess the mental capacities to figure that out.

He was curled up on his left side, facing away from the window. His left arm curled under his pillow, raising it up for his head, while his right arm followed that angle and draped limply between the pillowcase and the sheets.

Fenrir's left arm passed under his neck and came around to rest a large warm hand upon Harry's right bicep, his right arm over Harry's waist pulling their naked bodies flush together.

Fenrir moved as the barking became a tad louder, curling around Harry's back and pushing his right arm to secure itself over Harry's chest, his face moving forward to rest into the juncture of his mate's neck. He pressed a kiss to the pale skin and pulled them impossibly closer, setting his chin into the dip and stilling again.

Both of their legs moved slightly as they adjusted more comfortably, only for Fenrir to realise that he had no chance in hell of getting back to sleep.

He pressed more wet kisses to Harry's neck and shoulder, his right hand pulling away from the smaller male's chest to stroke across his side, circling the smooth skin and disappearing beneath the duvet.

Fenrir looked down as his hand disappeared beneath the covers, feeling as it traced over the shape of Harry's coccyx, making its way to softly massage his mate's perfectly globular cheeks, before returning to caressing his side. All the while he turned his attention back to lavishing loud sensual kisses across the other male's shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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