Interrogation Part1✅

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Harry made his way into breakfast and looked up, noticing that all the eyes were on him.
"So Harry..." Fred began
"Do anything interesting last night?" Interrupted Remus.

Harry paused and looked around the room again, the entire order were still there...

Harry let his eyes look across the room for a third and final time before he paused and thought over what Fred and Remus had said.

Shrugging towards the occupants of the room Harry let a thoughtful expression appear on his face before replying with a simple, "Not really. Nothing much."

Everyone in the room looked at him in disbelief but Harry just shrugged again and sat at the table for breakfast.

Turning to the order, Harry watched as they all fidgeted and truth be told actually found it rather amusing.

Looking at his friends Harry raised his eyebrow in question of their odd behaviour and tilted his head in question.

Hermione sighed as she stood up and walked around the table before leaning in to whisper in his ear so that only the two of them could hear.

"Harry, I need to talk to you outside for a moment, that okay?"

Harry and Hermione gazed at each other for a long moment, neither moving, before Harry nodded and pushed his chair back to stand and leave the room again, with Hermione.

Everyone watched as the two left, and as the door closed, they all turned to one another as the room burst once more into sound and curiosity about what they had witnessed the night before and the validity of the twins speculation that Harry was pining for some secret girlfriend.

With Harry and Hermione

Hermione lead Harry through to the front parlour and sat then both at one of the plush sofas.

Turning to face Harry, Hermione opened her mouth to begin.

"What's going on?"

Hermione paused in what she was going to say as Harry got straight to the point with his question.

After a brief moment of thought on how to answer him, Hermione decided that the best way to proceed was with blunt honesty,
"Harry, the twins told everyone that they think you're seeing someone, now I know it's none of our business but-"


"You have to understand Harry, we were concerned about you, you've been acting strange."

"No I haven't"

"Yes,Harry, you have"

"So what? Everyone has an off day every now and then, plus it's not anyone else's business- it's my business"

"I know Harry but-"

"No Hermione. It's none of their business if-"

"Who are you seeing? We know you're seeing someone Harry. Why didn't you tell us?"

Harry was silent as he thought of what Hermione was saying and how he should respond after coming up with nothing, Harry deflated and sunk into the sofa.

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