Two-Way Glass✅

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Harry walked swiftly through the manor, looking like a man on a mission.

He turned down a bright, sunlit, corridor and followed through the long hallway, out onto the covered walkway which lead around to the owlery.

He continued to move quickly, sparing occasional glances at the few creatures he passed as he progressed deeper into the forestry of the property.

He continued on the pathway for several minutes, navigating the cobbles that grew more ancient the further he walked.

Finally, he reached the end of the shaded pathway. He walked towards the carved steps in front of him, taking care not to trip on the uneven ground.

He smiled as he felt both the family magic and the magic of the forest beginning to hum around him. The magic was intensified if you went deeper into the forest. It was an ancient place of magic rituals and the blessings of high beings, like maiden moon, lady fate, lady magic and lord destiny.

He brushed his hands against the elven archway as he passed through, letting his magic carry the message of his imminent arrival up to the waiting form of Hedwig, which he could faintly see through an exposed window of the owlery

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He brushed his hands against the elven archway as he passed through, letting his magic carry the message of his imminent arrival up to the waiting form of Hedwig, which he could faintly see through an exposed window of the owlery.

Harry moved quicker after seeing Hedwig, glinding without pause up the path and through the heavy wooden and metal doors.

"Hey girl." He stroked down the feathers on her chest.

She preened under his attention and lightly nipped at his finger. He smiled at her antics and pulled a shrunken package from his pocket, a letter following moments later.

"I need you to take this to the hidden house. Don't let anyone but The twins or Sirius take it from you, okay?"

She chirped at him and tilted her head. He laughed slightly at her expression. She looked like a curious puppy- not that he'd ever tell her that, he didn't want to be pecked to death thank you very much.

"Yes. If anyone else tries to take it then you can bite them." She inflated slightly at his words and Harry, again, laughed.

He would pay good money to see the face of someone trying to take a letter from Hedwig when it wasn't for them.

"Be quick girl. You should stay there to rest once you've delivered it."

She hooted once more before flapping her wings to glide up and around the roof of the owlery. She swept back down towards him and he ducked, just being cuffed in the head slightly by her wing. She tittered with an owl version of a laugh and then disappeared out the window above.

"Bloody-!" Harry cursed as he began the process of sorting his hair, plucking feathers away, though he was sure he had missed a few.

He briefly handed out owl treats and refreshed the water for the other owls, before heading back to the main house.

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