He's been sighted! Harry potter!✅

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It's the second day passed since Harry had left Grimmauld Place and the townhouse seemed quieter than ever.

The occupants were still reeling from all that they had learned over the previous days and coming to terms with things.

Ginny sat in the kitchen picking at a piece of loaf on the plate before her compiling a list of what she knew. Minutes turned to hours as she sat despondently, mulling over the facts.

She snapped from her thoughts when the door opened and in walked the professors' Mcgonogall, Flitwick, Sprout and Lupin. They were followed closely by Sirius Black her parents and a group of ministry members like Tonks, Bones and Hestia Jones.

"-just saying that if we're actively looking then there's a higher chance of him being found."

"Harry's too smart to just allow himself to be caught Minnie. There's no way that he'd go out where he could be spotted!" Sirius argues as he settled down at the table across and up a few chairs from Ginny.

Remus sat down and sighed, long and heavy, his shoulders sagging in exhaustion.

Ginny sat forwards a little bit and thought about her phrasing.

"Professor Lupin, sir, I'm sure you're pretty tired and anxious because of the approaching full moon. You shouldn't stress too much about Harry" Ginny could see that a few of the people in the room wanted to interrupt but she pointedly ignored them as she focused solely on Remus.

"Harry may be selectively ignorant at times, and do some pretty irresponsible things, when it comes to his safety, but I don't think he would've gone anywhere that would put him in danger."

She took a pause as she collected her thoughts and thought about what she wanted to say.

"I know Harry, I don't think he is stupid enough to put himself in danger, but that being said, we should probably still keep an eye out anyway considering what we know.."

Ginny trailed off at the end, he face turning red from the stares of the entire room.

Madam Bones cleared her throat, removing the attention from Ginny who had begun fidgeting in her seat, " Well said Miss Weasley. I do believe what you said makes sense as the logical next move. First things first though, what do we actually know?"

The group thought for a moment before Flitwick pulled out some parchment and the group gathered around as he wrote what they knew into a list, different people adding small details here and there.

What wee know about Harry and (?):

Harry is very close to them. (Minnie)
Harry misses them when they're not together. (Tonks)
He can sing. (Flitwick)
He's gay. (Hestia)
They're older than him. (Sirius)
They attended Hogwarts(??) (Sprout)
They're male. (Remus)
Harry left. (Mollyol)
James is alive? (Minnie)
Snape is his actual father? (Remus)
Harry has anger issues. (Bones)
Being manipulated(??) (Sprout)
Harry's with them now. (Sirius)
He'll be on the train this coming year. (Flitwick)
He was meant to be in Slytherin. (Ginny)
Good at hiding the truth. (Ginny)

"If he was meant to be in slytherin then why isn't he?" Mcgonogall questioned aloud.

"Oh! He met Malfoy on the train and then when they were waiting before the sorting Malfoy insulted Ron and Harry didn't like him because of it so when Malfoy went to Slytherin Harry decided that he would go anywhere but there and the rest is just history I guess.. Ron and Harry didn't tell me what happened on the train but I heard around school that they had a big confrontation" Ginny informed the group as a whole.

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