Chapter 12✅

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Harry hummed softly to himself as he ran his fingers through his soft dripping hair. Turning to the side slightly, Harry tapped the shower handle, turning off the water and opening the glass panel to leave the, now foggy, wet room.

Harry grabbed a towel from the wall rack and wrapped it securely around his waist, taking a moment to feel the soft woven material beneath his hands.

Harry continued, after a moment, humming to himself once more. He moved towards the mirror, observing the viscous purple marks on both his neck and the rest of his body. Reaching up, Harry tentatively strokes over one of the darker ones which stood out proudly against the flawless alabaster of his pale neck.

A smile flickered onto Harry's lips and he moved on to continue getting ready for his, soon to be, very late breakfast.

~Time skip~

Harry walked joyfully down the hallway, making his way to the private dining room, reserved for informal meals and family.

Harry took the time to admire the furnishings of the manor and the splendour of which it's exaggerated style boasted. Turning a corner, Harry then began to observe the moving paintings which adorned most of the walls in most of the hallways on the route to his meal. As Harry passed another large window, the painting hung between the opposing wall drapes, caught his eye and he stopped to watch the moving image for a moment.

A man stood regally in the middle of the portrait, yet somehow also managed to projects a sense of power- the type gained from a healthy wealth of knowledge acquired through time.
Harry continued watching the man as the image shifted and met his gaze. Looking into the pearlescent stormy eyes for an inscrutable moment before breaking the stare and looking closer at the other contents of the portrait. The man had thick luscious black locks which were partially braided to highlight his facial features and accentuate his eyes.

The man was also wearing a robe, which appeared to be more traditional casual than modern formal. The robes appeared to be high end naval blue dragon hide and some kind of silk, 'likely acromantula' pondered Harry as he considered the garment. The hem was done in a Latin-Celtic tribal design of gold fibre thread with a silver lining to the design. Tinting the gold for a more subdued image.

Watching the man a moment more, Harry shrugged his curiosity away mentally and reluctantly peeled his vision from the image to look ahead at the widening hallway which he had originally been progressing through to claim some much sought for food. Ready and willing to appease his large appetite following the events of that morning.

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