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Harry leant back in his seat and stayed still for several minutes, allowing the group to collect their thoughts.

He finally spoke, after what seemed to be almost a full 5 minutes.

"So, ask away. I have a feeling that this is going to be a long night.."


Remus was the one to speak up, to Harry's surprised interest, in order to ask about something he had said beforehand.

"Why did you send Kreacher to Mr.Silkoh?"

Harry gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean, 'why?'"

Remus scratched his head in thought as he tried to rephrase his question.

"Why did you feel the need to have Kreacher go to Mr.Silkoh? Will something happen if you don't keep him informed?"

Harry sat straighter as he realised what Remus meant and grinned apologetically.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. It's not anything like that."

"What is it then?" Remus lifted a brow as he placed his elbows on the table.

Harry mirrored him and leant his own elbow onto the table as he responded, his lips twitching slightly in an effort not to smile.

"Well, Remmy. You see... When two people love each other very much, they show it in a number of assorted ways. One of these ways is physically. Now, I understand that two men can not reproduce without the assistance of potions, but the act itself is especially pleasurable. And, I might add, something we engage in quite frequently. As such, I felt the need to inform Stephan that he may just feel a tad blue if he gets excited too soon. Not that I'd really blame him though."

Sirius, and most of the adults, frowned as they listened to his words. Once again reminded that something they thought to be bad was happening and they had no control to prevent it.

"Harry, you understand that those people there..." he pointed at the group of aurors and ministry workers, "... work for the ministry. Correct?"

Harry laughed and nodded in acknowledgement to the group of, maybe 12, ministry workers.

"Yeah, I do Siri. Your point?"

Sirius glared slightly as he responded, now annoyed and exasperated.

"It's illegal Harry. What you're doing with this Silkoh guy, I mean."

Harry laughed as he sat back in his chair, shooting his famous lopsided grin towards his dogfather.

"Actually, it isn't."

Amelia cleared her throat and called their attention to herself, levelling him with a challenging glare.

"How could it possibly not be illegal. From what we have heard, this man is about 40 and having sexual relations with yourself, a minor."

Harry nodded along to her words, accepting her argument.

"That is true but, it's just not. It's something to do with my being the last available Potter. See..." he looked at his father and paused, receiving a nod to continue after a moment's hesitation.

Harry's wolfNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ