Dining with the Dark Side✅

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Harry shuffled awkwardly in the stiff lordship robes that he had been required to wear for their dinner at the Malfoy's Manor.

He let out a long put-upon sign as he tried futilely to adjust the fit of the robes once more.

"Come on Darling, I bet you look stunning." Fenrir's voice called out from the bedroom.

Harry sighed one last, long puff of breath, as he moved to exit the wardrobe where an already finished and waiting Fenrir was leant against the wall.

He stood awkwardly in front of his husband, tugging at the cuffs of his stiff robes in an attempt to appear occupied.

Fenrir chuckled as he reached forward to cup both of Harry's hands between his own.

"Harry, you look gorgeous." Harry looked up with a faint blush dusting the tops of his ears and face.

"You too. I mean... You uh- you, you look really handsome Fen." He smiled slightly as he looked up to the taller male, a small tug at his lips calling all attention to the slight pucker they formed in oblivious invitation.

Fenrir chuckled at his powerhouse of a mate. He still couldn't believe that he got so lucky with such an amazing individual to call his own.

He looked down the span of Harry's body and smirked at the snug fit of the robes. Dragon hide black form fitting trousers that hugged his hips and legs, with an acromantala silk navy blue dress shirt and dragon hide undercoat and boots. He had a silver thread, dark navy cloak that held the Potter (Changeable) emblem on the back and his tie hung straight from his neck.

Fenrir ran his hands up his little mates sides and smirked as Harry shivered in pleasure at the sensation. He let his hands graze higher until his thumb brushed lightly across Harry's plump lips, sensual strokes drawing a small moan out of the recipients mouth.

Fenrir leaned in slightly and tugged at Harry's lips with his teeth, pulling at the smooth hot flesh until it reddened and Harry's hands began to roam.

"Harry love we need go, we shouldn't be late to dinner.." he trailed off as Harry grazed his fingers against the the thin tight material of Fenrir's black slacks. Passing over the bulge a second time when Fenrir made no further movements.

"You shouldn't start what you can't finish", Harry leaned in, to whisper in his ear. His tongue flicked lazily against the lower lobe of his love's ear.

"Harry, no. We shouldn't be late. Especially considering the attendees who should be arriving to the dinner as well."

Harry thought for a few moments, "Bella and Tom"

Fenrir nodded his affirmation at the names, "The dark lord isn't known for patience love."

He pushed away from where he was standing against the wall. His arms snaked around Harry's waist and the smaller male released a content little huff.

"These robes are so uncomfortable" it came out almost at a whine.

A deep throaty chuckle responded to his complaint, "The robes were made for aesthetics love, not for comfort."

"I know, they're just really stiff. Your robes look so much comfier" the end of his statement really was a whine as his arms came up to wind around Fenrir's neck and he leaned into the larger males body.

"My robes need not be so formal as I only hold one Lordship. I can get away with it, you can't love."

He smiled apologetically as Harry pouted.

Harry stepped back slightly and looked Fenrir over. He wore completely black tight trousers, an off white dress shirt with a black suit undercoat and a silver cloak with the Greyback emblem. His eyes lingered slightly lower as he licked his lips and flickered his gaze across the barely hidden body.

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