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Harry stared out the window of the bus as it drove away from Grimmauld Place and smile solemnly to himself. He felt bad, just up and disappearing and he knew that they would be worried but quite frankly he didn't really care at the moment.

He knew that he had promised to say goodbye to Hermione before he left, but he hadn't been able to get her alone before he went. So, instead he had written her a letter and placed it on the kitchen table along with one ad reseed to everyone else.

In Hermione's letter he had told her that he would miss her but that he'd see her in September and to be safe. However, on the letter to everyone else he had, instead, told them that he would be happier where he was going and that they shouldn't look for him or be worried because he was safe. At the bottom of the 2 letters he had added a message that would frankly confuse everyone. He said;

'Don't really have time to elaborate, but ask dad- he can answer any of your more pressing questions'

Harry smiled at that thought, once they figured it out Harry and his dad could be more openly affectionate to one another.

Grimmauld Place

The occupants of Grimmauld place, as well as the Hogwarts teachers and the order of the Phoenix, gathered in the kitchen.
Hermione had called an emergency meeting and requested everyone be there.

As the final people arrived and took their places around the long table, Hermione stood and drew everyone's attention to her.

"Harry's gone"

As soon as those words left Hermione's mouth chaos erupted all throughout the room.

Clearing her throat to garner the groups attention Hermione continued,

"From what I can tell, he left just after breakfast and took all of his things with him.
I found out that he was gone when I went to check on him earlier and couldn't find him. I was going to tell everyone immediately but I found these" here Hermione paused and held up 2 letters with Harry's messy handwriting across the front,

"Who are they for?" Questioned Dumbledore.

Harry's wolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora