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Harry woke in a Cold sweat, liquid dripping down his face as he got his breathing back.
Now, any normal person would usually associate this with a nightmare, then, Harry would prove you wrong and be quite happy to tell you that what he had just experience was anything but a nightmare.

Harry Potter had just woken up from a dream about his lover and was immediately irate at the reminder that he wasn't  there with him.

His mate couldn't exactly be there with him when they were in a house full of light wizards after all.

Harry turned over in bed and tried to banish his thoughts from his head opting not to dwell and bode upon these thoughts.

Deciding that he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep Harry turned to grab his wand off the bedside table.

Casting a Tempus Harry saw that it was only 10:30 and decided that he would get up and do something to tire his mind.

Having a sudden epiphany Harry decided to get up and go to the music room.

Now, this might seem odd to other people but Harry had long since found a love for music.
He loved the way he could express himself rawly and gutturaly in any Number of ways when he desired.

Harry left his room glad that the change in living arrangements meant that he had no chance of waking up Ron.

This summer just been, Harry had confided in Sirius his desire to have his own room, as he would feel like he had more privacy and Siri had made it happen when he came to Grimmauld Place.

Harry couldn't thank Sirius enough, having his own room allowed him the freedom to do the things he wanted instead of following along with whatever his friends desired.

Leaving his bedroom, Harry walk down the hallway and approach the stairs, as Harry reached the stairs, he leant over the rail to see if he could hear anything going on downstairs- hearing quiet murmurs coming from the kitchen.

Harry realise that there must be an order meeting on however, he realised this also meant that there would likely not be anyone else around the house so he didn't have to be so worried about being caught.

Harry ascended the stairs going up to the top floor of the house, upon reaching said level he wandered down to the end of the dimly lit corridor and pushed open a heavy set of dark oak doors.

As he entered the room, Harry looked around and tried to decide what he would do today.

When Harry had spent the previous summer here, he had discovered this room and instantly been enthralled with it, Harry had discovered the blacks music room long since forgotten by all apart from apparently Kreacher.

Harry once again gazed around the room now taking in the instruments and deciding which he would rather play.

Harry had long since taken it upon himself to learn all the instruments in the room, that included electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, flute, violin, trumpet, piano and most importantly he had tuned his voice to the standard he liked.

Making up his mind, Harry moved straight across the room to where the guitar was and picked up the electric blue guitar which he so often chose, making his way to the seats in the corner of the room Harry thought about what he'd like to sing.

Deciding the best thing to do was to express his emotions Harry finally settled on one of his favourite songs.
A song that, at the moment, really connected with his own feelings and how he'd been feeling as of recently.

After checking the guitar was in tune Harry began his chosen chord...

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