"What's that?" She asked already smiling at how silly her Toby looked right now.

"Happy Birthday baby," Toby leaned in for another kiss before placing the brown box in front of her that she opened eagerly, the sky was still dark, the only light coming from the headlights of Tyra's car, but it was enough to see the little fur baby hiding inside, wagging its small tail while looking curiously at her, the visible scar on his eye making her gasped in recognition. It was the same English Bulldog that they rescued on their date a few days back.

"Oh my god! Is this him?" Luna was jumping in joy, to think that the small creature that's been bugging her head since that day was now in front of her makes her heart swell knowing that the little guy was safe and healthy all this time.

"Hi buddy," she greeted the puppy who was now looking more than ready to step out of his makeshift cage. Luna carefully lifted him up, settling him on the scarf that she brought with her, watching him cautiously moving in her arms with big dark eyes peering into the depth of her soul.

"Go give him a name already," she thinks for a second, grinning at him when she finally made up her mind. The boy will surely like the name and so was the little bundle of fur in her arms.

"How about Cheetos Cooper? You like it buddy?" Cheetos licking her face in response, his wet tongue making her giggle in awe.

"Welcome to the family, our little Cheetos," Toby uttered playfully, planting a soft kiss on the side of her head as they watched Cheetos moving happily on her arms. The camera flashes before them, catching the scene sealed in time, as Tyra took more photos of them that the trio gladly pose for. Their little family was growing, and she was loving every minute of it. A silly thought that she kept hidden in her heart.

Cheetos was snuggling next to her when she woke up at seven in the morning, the side of his mouth dripping with saliva that was now wetting her comforter, a sight that she has to get used to from now on. Not that she hated the ball of fur sleeping soundly on her bed.

Our little Cheetos, Toby's word playing on her head, putting a smile on her face in an instant.

Luna could hear the voices of people downstairs, must be her mother doing her job of decorating the house for the twin's birthday celebration. But Luna had other things on her mind before she has time to worry about how things going downstairs.

"Happy Birthday Lulu!" Luna sneaked into Caleb's bedroom, jumping on his sleeping figure in full force, waking the boy up with bewildered eyes.

"Ugh! I lost again!" He whined, pulling her into a bone crushing hug as they rolled back on the bed. Every year they have a little contest on who will be the one to wake the others up first, and Caleb haven't won a single year ever since middle school.

"Hey, it's not my fault that you slept in every time,"

"Whatever, at least I wasn't sneaking out of the house like someone I know,"

"Wait! You knew?"

"Of course I do! Toby was decent enough to asked for my permission cause mom was with dad remember?" Now that she thinks about it, Caleb was the one who picked her up from Oakwood's Hospital yesterday. It must be when Toby asked for his permission.

"Anyway, happy birthday big sis! Love you to the infinity and beyond!"

"And I love you too lil bro!" the twins laughed at how cringey they sound.

After dressing up with matching red sweater the twins descended the stairs with Cheetos hiding inside Luna's sweater.

"Happy Birthday!" The room erupted with greetings, laughter and joyous chattering from everyone in the room. Their house was now filled with the chaotic bunch consisting of Caleb's teammates, and Luna's group of friends.

Loving Toby (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now