Book 3: Chapter 20

Start from the beginning

"Expelliarmus!" A voice thundered as the old broken doors opened. It was professor Lupin disarming Harry, and it shocked the four of them even more. Their favourite Professor helping a criminal? It can't be.

Harry rolled off Sirius, the DADA professor advancing towards the criminal, wand still pointed towards him. "Well well Sirius, quite ragged aren't you?"

"Finally, the flesh reflects the madness within," Lupin says getting nearer the man who laid on the dusty floor where Harry pinned him on.

Harry grabbing Finley's hand and pulling her closet to them as she was unconsciously walking towards the two adults.

"Well, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you Remus?" Sirius retorts casually towards the professor.

Lupin slowly dropped his wand, a smile etching on his face, he helped Sirius Black stand up on his feet. Sirius hugging Lupin as if he was embracing the man with his life on the line.

"It's him," Sirius laughs in both relief and joy. As if he found an answer he was searching all his life, and answer that Finley wanted to learn as soon as it unfolded.

"I understand," Lupin replied, holding an expression of comfort for his friend.

The four teenagers all watched in shock as the scene unfolded, was Professor Lupin helping the criminal to get to Harry?

"Let's kill him!" Sirius suggests, his eyes was bright and ready to grab and wand to kill. A tone that did not settle with anyone in the room.

"No!" Hermione yelled, catching the two adult's attention. "I trusted you! And all this time, you've been his friend."

"Hermione—" Finley started but winced in pain, her arm stopped shaking and was now beginning to throb.

"He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes." Hermione continues.

Everyone in the room failed to notice how pale Finley went with the pain starting to grow in her body.

"How long have you known?"

"Since Professor Snape set the essay," Hermione says standing still as the professor started to advance slowly towards them.

"Well, Hermione. You are the brightest witch of your age I've ever met," Lupin remarks as he looked at his students with pride. If it were up to Remus, he would be praising the four of them for their courage but this didn't settle with the impatient felon.

"Enough talk Remus! Come on, let's kill him!"

"Kill who?" Finley manages to ask, hiding pained voice.

"Wait!" Remus reasoned.

"I did my waiting!" Sirius' voice boomed, all the emotions he felt since he was sent to Azkaban resurfaced. His face contorted in the look of both depression and fury, "Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!"

The man's voice slowly broke, only Finley saw it as a sign of weakness, Sirius Black was vulnerable. Too vulnerable to be someone who lead the massacre of innocent lives, he didn't kill the Potters.

"You didn't do it," Finley voiced. Gazes were now on her, now they realised the shape Finley was in. A busted lip, a trembling arm, pale faced, she looked terrible.

"No, it wasn't me," Sirius nodded, something sparked in his eyes, hope. Hope that someone was here that believed that it wasn't him who killed his best friends, he made a small advance towards Finley but was blocked by Remus and Harry who stood in front of Finley protectively.

"Very well, kill him," Remus said, handing Sirius his wand. "But wait one more minute, Harry and Finley have the right to know why."

Harry and Finley? What does Finley have to do with any of this?

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