Best friends lost

Start from the beginning

"Yeah you're right." I sat back down. She sat on my lap and took off my belt. I wasn't in the mood but anything to get my mind off everything.

I picked her up and sat her on my desk. I moved her dress up to her hips and took off her panties. I didn't wait to thrust into her and make her moan.

I laid my head on her shoulder as I pounded into her just thinking. I've lost arlo, Levi, my abuela. Three people that gave me true happiness.

Arlo loved me for me and not my money. Levi helped me through everything, my mafia, a person to talk to and overall my best friend. And my abuela gave me the best advice.

She loved me to the moon and back, more love than anyone would ever give me. She helped me as well as Levi and they are the three most important people I my life. Yet I've lost them all.

Here I am pounding into a girl that is only in it for my money and that's it. Maybe I should've given up a long time ago and I wouldn't be in this mess.

I'll just marry Mary and have kids with her so it's easier. That way I don't have to worry about anything, I'll pass down my mafia to my oldest son from Mary. Then arlo can move on and have more kids.

Why has my life turned to shit?

Levi POV

After I slammed the door of his office shut, I let my tears fall. This isn't the Quinn I grew up with. He has changed and I've lost my best friend. There's no getting him back.

I wasn't even at the end of the hall when I heard Mary moan and skin on skin contact. I considered walking in but decided against it. Just get all my stuff and go stay with my sister or someone.

"Where are you going?" Marco asked me as he saw my packing.

"Leaving. Quinn has turned into a selfish bastard and I'm so done with him. He's changed and I can't stand to see him hurt. But he's being so selfish right now. I thought it was because he lost his abuela but no, it's just him being a complete arsehole." I sniffled.

"Can you hear the bitch he's with now? They were like it all last night. It may be a big house but her mouth is bigger." He scoffed.

"Yeah tell me about it. He doesn't even try hard enough for the things he wants. He hasn't even come after me like he always does, instead he's fucking her in his office. He told me to leave because he had work but he has the time to fuck her."

"I agree, he has changed." Marco sighed.

"Oh and your remember arlo? She had his first born and he didn't even put up and fight to get meetings with the kid." I shook my head.

Just then Quinn stood next to Marco. "I'll see you later Levi." Marco smiled at me then left.

"I suggest you fuck off because I not in a good mood with you." I told him as I packed.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?" Quinn asked.

"Because you've changed. You don't fight for what you want anymore. You always come after me when we've had an argument but you stayed and fucked her while I'm here crying over a best friend that seems dead." I sobbed.

"What am I supposed to do? Chase after arlo all my life? I can't do that when I have better things to do." He moved closer to me for a hug.

"Don't fucking touch me." I yelled at him and took a step back. "Don't. You are not my best friend, Quinn. Ever since Mary came along you have been a selfish bastard and it's not only me who's noticed."

"Come on Levi. What do you want me to do? Kiss you? Fuck you? What?" He yelled.

"See what I mean? You would never say that to me. I always have to initiate it all. So don't you fucking dare stand there and ask me what I want you to do. Because let's be realistic, you won't do it."

"Fine. Whatever. I don't care anymore, I'm so done with everyone that I should just kill you all. Get it over with and I'll be free from all of you."

"Are you listening to yourself? When have you ever threatened to kill me like that? You have changed and not only have you lost me, but your family as well." I said.

"What family have I got left, Levi? My abuela has gone. My mum and dad don't give two shits what happens to me anyway. And you, you ran off with arlo the moment she left this house. So can you blame me for not caring anymore?"

"Yes, yes I can. Quinn you have a son that needs a dad to teach him things. Not grandads and uncles, A FATHER. BUT YOU WERE TO FUCKING STUBBORN TO CONFESS YOUR LOVE FOR ARLO THEREFORE LOST A SON AND THE ONLY GIRL WHO HAS LOVED YOU FOR YOU, NOT YOUR DAMN MONEY."


"Get out! I don't ever want to see you again. If I do I'll fucking kill you myself and I won't have mercy. So get the fuck out." I lowered my voice as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Levi please." He begged me. I could see it in his eyes telling me not to leave but he pushed me away by listening to that slut Mary.

"You brought this upon yourself. Don't beg me for anything, I can't stand to see you right now." I shook my head.

"Just forgive me, Levi. I can't lose the only family I really have left." He stepped towards me again.

"I said don't touch me." I told him through a clenched jaw. "There is nothing you can do for you to make me forgive you. Your abuela would be kicking your arse right now if she were still alive."

"If she were still alive then I would still have you and arlo. But I don't have that anymore. I don't have anyone. Please just stay."

"You mafia men don't understand then meaning of no do you? Always getting your own way with everything you do." I scoffed.

I zipped up my suitcase and put it on the floor ready to drag it out. As I started walking Quinn stopped me and hugged me.

I know he was hurting but he hurt me when he told me to leave because he had work, but could spare five minutes for sex with a gold digger.

"Goodbye Quinn." I stepped from his arms and walked out of the mansion and to my car.

Maybe he will now see the mistake he made and finally say sorry to both me and arlo for being an arsehole.

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