'Well, I can't blame you if it was your parents... I guess they're bigger fans than you are --'

'Shut up! You know I'm the president of your fan club.'

I laugh at seeing how worked up Noah got, and he blushes a little as he realises the reaction he just made.

'Thank you though. It'll really mean a lot with you being there.'

'I said I didn't want to miss seeing such a big part of your career, I'm more than happy that I'm going.'

I beam across at Noah, he smiles back and I can literally feel my insides melting. He's so sweet and caring, going above and beyond for his friends. I just wish I was returning the favour as well as he was.

I catch him looking at me, and we both blush a little. He's just looking at me. As a friend. I'm not reading too much into this right? Noah unfurls his legs, stretching them down alongside me at the other end of the bed.

'Are you tired yet? I don't know if you want an early night or something, with you know what happening tomorrow night, cause I can leave you alone -'

I shrug.

'Honestly, I'm not as tired as I normally am by now. If you think you could still manage a couple more hours with me then that's your choice.'

Noah jumps up from his bed, a small grin on his face.

'Where are you going?'

'I'm gonna get my laptop. You wanna watch something?'

I nod earnestly. I haven't had too much time to sit down and just enjoy a show or even a movie, so I could do with that. And especially watching something with Noah too would be amazing. I can't get enough of him so I want as much time with him before I know I'll have to fall asleep.

As Noah leaves the room, I look down at my phone again, just as it buzzes with a text.

Quinn 🤙: How's the date going with your bf? 🤣🤔

Robbie: Quinn, I stg... 😤 if you MUST know, everything's fine. his parents are super nice and made me feel really welcome here. nothing exciting is really happening 🤷‍♂️ we're just about to watch something together

Quinn 🤙: Soooooo.... Netflix & Chill??? 🤣😉

Robbie: I'm gonna hit you so hard when I see you tomorrow. as if anything like that would happen, I'd never do anything like that with him EVEN if he wasn't straight AND if we were dating 😤

Quinn 🤙: Whatever happens tonight, don't go making yourself feel bad about this. Just remember what I said. I'm rooting for Nobbie, for both of you.

Robbie: thanks dude. i'm SO not the best person for this kind of 'figuring out if you like someone' crap 😂

Quinn 🤙: also don't forget to wear protection

Robbie: ffs  Quinn 😤😤

Noah enters the room, carrying his laptop and charger under his arm just as I finish sending my response to Quinn.

'Someone sent you a weird message?'

My eyes shoot up from my phone, and I lock the screen before flinging it onto the bed.

'Only Quinn being his usual, annoying self.'

'Well okay, you've gone a little bit red there. He must be really good at annoying you.'

Wait For Me to Come Home (Noah Schnapp x Gay Male OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now