"How do I look?" she asked for the third time, Athena looking her up from head to toe with a look of approval. 

"Just perfect, now go and make our little nerd fall head over heels for you my dear," Luna wink at her as she picks a small sling bag that finishes her look. 

"Lulu I'm going out!" She announced giving Athena a grateful hug and a kiss on her cheeks, she'll be staying the night with Lexus and France later. Caleb must be hiding in his room again, but Luna was running late for her to check. 

Luna reached the hospital with fifteen minutes to spare, the nurses greeting her warmly, complementing her look as she made her way to Toby's room. He was standing in the middle of the room when she arrived, Toby was wearing a black tracksuit pants and a white pullover that cling into his thin figure just fine. A white beanie on his now balding head stopping her from entering the room, the sight of it breaking her heart over and over again, the beanie was a reminder that everything was real, Toby was sick. 

Before the tears came rushing out of her eyes, Luna crossed the room in a heartbeat. Throwing herself into his arms where she belongs, burying her head into his chest and inhaling his familiar scent. Toby stumbled a little at the impact but let a small laugh when she realized that it was her. 

"Do you miss me that much Miss Greene?" he asked playfully, caressing her back and kissing the top of head in the process. 

"I did. Did you wait long?" 

"Nope, you're just in time," Toby pulled her face away from her chest, their eyes meeting in an instant as he looks her up from head to toe. 

"Beautiful," Toby muttered softly, leaning into her and giving her a swift kiss on her cheeks.  

"Excuse me lovebirds," Dr. Morris entered the room with a knowing look on his face, Luna tighten her gripped on Toby's waist, not wanting to let him go. The doctor heaved a sigh but did not say another word as they moved back into Toby's bed. Luna stayed glue to him that none of them seems to mind. 

Dr. Morris reminded Luna of everything that she needs to do in case something happens while they're out, giving her instructions on how to administer Toby's medicine, telling her that an ambulance was already on standby just in case. Though she wants to argue with him and tell him that everything's going to be fine, she doesn't have much of a choice but to just listened to him. After giving Toby a shot, taking his vitals and drinking his meds they finally let the two leave.

"Where are we going?" He asked as soon as they entered her car.

"It's a secret," She replied playfully, buckling Toby's seatbelt like he was a kid sitting next to her and stealing a peck on his lips that made the boy smile in an instant. 

They drove in peace, just the sound of Dan and Shay Obsessed album on the radio, it was Caleb's current favorite album. Toby's cold hands on her thigh, a smile on their faces, just her and Toby driving to God knows where, for a moment they let their problems go out of the window. They needed an escape; Toby needed this and so was she.

"We're here," Luna wasn't sure what she was expecting as she stopped the car at the exact location that Lexus texted her. It was a small park outside Oakwood, it was a few blocks away from France house but not that far from the hospital.

"Eyes please," She asked sweetly causing Toby to crack up, but he did what she wants, lowering his head to level it with her their nose touching just like she likes it. He winked at her that melt her heart instantly, Luna wrapped the handkerchief on his eyes and planted a kiss on his lips as they moved slowly to where Lexus and France decided to set up their date for tonight.

It's nothing really grand but Luna can't help the gasped escaping her lips on the sight of what their best friends did for the both of them. She untied Toby's blindfold as they both smiled gratefully for their friend's effort. Lexus and France set up an outdoor theater for the both of them on one of the trees in the area. The tree was covered with fairy lights and a makeshift sofa bed on the foot of the tree, a box of Hot Peppers pizza, a family size Cheetos, chicken and mojos from her mother's restaurant and of course the projector and France laptop were there.

"Wow, they surely know how to set up a dreamy date," Luna beamed happily, grateful for her friend's effort to make tonight a perfect date for the two of them. 

"Yeah, I can't believe that you're the one who asked me on a date and I'm the one who still came up with the plan," he replied playfully causing her jaw dropped in shocked.

"You're the one who plan this?" 

"Of course, France and Lexus did all the works I just gave them the instructions," Toby replied proudly, wrapping his arms on his waist and sneaking a peck on the crook of her neck. To be loved by Tobias Cooper was a romantic scene straight out of a Nicholas Sparks book, and Luna was loving every moment of it. 

They choose to watched Aladdin, Luna insisted, Toby did not even dare to complain. The two of them tangled in sheets, eating take outs and watching a movie under the tree. Just the two of them in their own little world, his small kisses sending shivers down her spine every single time, the coldness of the nights doesn't seem to be too harsh when she was wrapped around the warmth of his embrace, his soft voice whispering sweet nothing on her ears, the sound of his laughter echoing into the night and the loud beating of her heart was all that she could care about. It was an escape, a sweet one at that, and for a moment Luna could care less about the rest of the world, as long as Toby was happy, nothing else matter. 

"I love you," she mumbled in between their kisses as the credits rolled on the screen and the sound of their ragged breathing filled the silence of the night. 

On their way to the car, something caught Luna's attention.

"What's wrong?" Toby asked as she put her finger on his lips asking him to shut up, and there it was again. A sound of something small crying for help. The bushes near them started moving, a small black animal emerged from the bushes that made her yelped in surprise.

Toby moved first as she followed him cautiously, Luna pulled her phone and turned her flashlight on.

"It's a puppy," she beamed happily upon seeing the black creature on the ground, it's a black bulldog, Toby picked the poor puppy first, but she quickly grabbed it from him not wanting Toby to catch any possible threat.

"Toby he's hurt," there's blood dripping on the upper right corner of the puppy's eyes. She quickly wrapped the puppy on her scarf and handed Toby the keys since there's no way that she'll let Toby to hold the puppy unless the vet said that it's safe for him.

Toby quickly droves to the vet, luckily France uncle owned the vet clinic near the hospital, and they agreed to look at the puppy before closing his shop for the night.

"He's fine, just a small cut from the bushes nothing serious," Dr. Miller announced with a smile on his face that made Luna and Toby sighed in relief. 

They left the puppy on the clinic, Dr. Miller promised to call the animal welfare tomorrow to check with the puppy. Although Luna wanted to take the puppy home, there's a possibility that it's owner might be looking for him. With a heavy heart, Luna droves back to the hospital. 

They came back to the hospital at nine, the doctor quickly checks Toby's vitals and give him a shot. Luckily, everything went well for today and Luna couldn't be happier. She stayed with him until Tyra arrived to take her place.

"Goodnight Cooper," 

"Goodnight, Miss Greene," she kissed him goodnight, tucking him in safely into the sheets and waited for him to dozed off to sleep before she left back home. 

Loving Toby (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now