The Abandoned Building

Start from the beginning

I look up at Hoseok and Seokjin. They are by far the most fearful of the group, and the most likely to flat out refuse. Hoseok's face is set firmly, determined not to go, but I can see Seokjin is wavering a little. As the oldest hyung, he likes to take care of us, and make sure we're all safe. He would never admit it, but I know he feels a sort of paternal feeling over us. If we go, he'll come too.

"I suppose ..." he says slowly, shutting his eyes a little. "I suppose I should go, too."

We all look up at Hoseok. He frowns down at us, still completely firm. "I'm sorry, but no. That building has been abandoned since most of us were born-" Seokjin blushes. "-and we have no idea what will be waiting for us. It's super dangerous, and we can film something scary just as well here than we can in that deathtrap!"

Well, that's not true. Obviously an abandoned building is more scary than our modern dorm, and Hoseok seems to realise that as he shakes his head a little. "Please, Hoseok," Jungkook begs quietly. "I know you don't like it, but I want all of us. We're not BTS without you. The fans will notice."

I'm reminded of how Jungkook cried when Hoseok said he was going to leave BTS. Obviously, this is nowhere near the same, but Jungkook's eyes start to tear up, and he gives Hobi his puppy eyes.

Hoseok finally wavers. "Fine. But if I don't like it, I'm going straight home, whether you lot are coming with me or not."

Jungkook gets up, hugging Hoseok so hard he nearly topples over. He doesn't quite hug Jungkook back, but he at least looks a little happy that Jungkook is happy. After nearly three days of begging, Jungkook has finally gotten what he wants. I just hope that it goes the way he wants it to ...


The next day, we have a bag packed full of cameras and props that Jungkook made last night, and we're dressed in the oldest clothes we could find. We've attempted to do our own makeup, and we're all ready to go by the time the sun has started to set. There's kids milling around, dressed up as little ghosts, going door to door.

Jungkook links arms with me as we head down the streets, a happy skip in his step. "I know we don't have a script, but I want it to be funny as well as scary, so then it should end up being even better that we're doing it on command."

I nod my head a little. "Whatever you want, Jungkook. I just hope we're even able to get in there. We still don't know what's going to face us."

Hoseok nods, catching up with the conversation. "We don't want to end up doing anything illegal, or we'll lose our placement in the company. If we have to break into anything, then we can't do it, okay?"

Jungkook nods his head. "I'm ready for disappointment, hyung, don't worry. When I walked past it, I didn't see anything saying it was trespassing to go in, and there was only a fence on one side, and it was all broken up."

Hoseok just pats his shoulder gently. "Just don't get your hopes up."

We walk the rest of the way in silence. Jungkook doesn't stop being excited the whole way, and, when we reach the building, there's nothing stopping us from walking straight in. The door has been broken open a long time ago. There's a sign on the building telling us it's dangerous to go in, but it's not illegal. I can already see news outlets telling us off if they caught us, but we'll face no real consequences.

Jungkook turns on one of the torches he brought with him, and steps inside. Even with the torch, the darkness seems to envelop him. I take my own torch and the bag of equipment, and step inside behind him.

We make our way through the corridors, and come out into the main factory floor. There's no machinery left, though there's still dark stains left on the floor from where they used to stand. The ceiling is high, and there's a staircase coming up one side of the wall, up to an observatory. I think there used to be a banister, but it's either been burnt or just rotted away, as dark pieces of wood lie around the stairs.

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