Using a stool as a ladder since her height wasn't much of a help, Luna managed to get the stash safely on her arms.

"Careful," the voice catching her completely off guard, as the chair shake a little and Luna stumble along with it. Lucky for her that Toby managed to pull her into his arms as the chair fell into the vinyl floor with a soft thud.

"Aren't you being a little reckless now Ms. Greene?" his ragged breathing fanning the tip of her nose, they were closed enough for her to see the startled look on his face.

"You sneak up on me Cooper, of course I'll be surprised!" She tried to defend herself as Toby let her go slowly, his arms linger slightly on her waist, but it was gone before she could grasp the pained expression on his face.

"Let's go back now," Toby walked away after putting the chair back in place and taking the soda with him, Luna picked the pack of sour patch and follow him back upstairs without another word.

France and Athena were playing on her iPad, Lexus laying comfortably on the makeshift bed as they all waited for them. Athena eyeing her suspiciously when she came back along with Toby. But Luna ignored her, playing as innocent as a saint.

"Now, pick a movie," Luna placed the DVD's that she took out from Caleb's collection earlier, Athena growled in frustration upon seeing the Conjuring. It's not like Athena hated horror, the girl actually likes it, but with a Disney movie on the pile of DVDs in front of her, she was more conflicted than ever. 

"Traitor," she mumbled next to her, Athena picked Tangled begrudgingly. Among the five movies were The Purge, The Conjuring, Tangled, 50 first date and the notebook. As much as Luna love chick flicks, she was desperately hoping that none of them would pick The Notebook for her sanity. She couldn't watch it knowing that Toby was in the same room as her with straight face.

France and Lexus picked the Conjuring without much thought, they were grinning wickedly at them, Athena throw a pillow at them that Lexus caught effortlessly.

Luna was conflicted between Tangled and 50 First Date, it was already a losing battle to begin with. Although Toby would be the last to pick his choice, there's a higher chance of him siding with the rest of the boys than with the girls.

"Luna pick now," Breaking away from her internal battle, Luna closed her eyes and picked 50 First Date in a heartbeat.

"Seriously Babe I thought we're on the same page here!?" Athena threw a pillow on her face that she caught midair, sticking her tongue out at her poor attempt.

"Sorry Babe, Adam Sandler always win,"

"Then it's already decided, we're watching Conjuring," France exclaimed triumphantly.

"We still have Toby the game can change with his choice," Athena reasoned out as they all turned to Toby who's now devouring the Cheetos on his hand.

"What?" He stopped eating when he saw the four of them looking intently at him.

"This is a life-changing question, Cooper! Tangled, Conjuring or 50 First Date?" Athena said in a very serious voice. Please choose the romance film! Luna pleaded internally; she just wants to watch 50 first date although she'd watched it a hundred times already that she can even recite all the lines. But who cares? Everybody loves a romance film, right?

"I don't see the point in that question being life-changing Athena," he rolled his eyes playfully at her. Toby studied their faces carefully as if he's searching for something, then he took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose where his glasses were. It's his job to settle the score in this group, that's just how things work.

"We'll watch Conjuring first then Tangled and 50 first date, objection anyone?" he said, returning to his half-eaten cookies as the rest of them groaned at his very wise decision.

Like what Toby said they watched all of their movies picked in order. Enduring France high pitch screaming along with the actors on screen, one moment he was dragging Athena's feet out of nowhere, their little squirrel landed a kick on his face because of that. Lexus constant yelling for them to shut up while Toby and Luna were happily munching every food that their hands can reach. She's lying on Lexus's chest, Toby's on her feet, France and Athena next to Lexus. They watched Tangled and endured Athena's singing, but let's face it who can resist Disney movies. So, in the end, they all sing along with her.

"I still don't know why you want to watch 50 first date, when you knew the movie by heart," Lexus complained while he plugged the movie and returned to her side. She just ignored his complain since the two had been discussing it over and over again and Lexus knew that he'll never win against Luna when it comes to her movie choices because she's more than willing to fight for it.

By the end of the movie, they're all singing Wouldn't It Be Nice by The Beach Boys while Luna's wiping her tears away, she's a crybaby for romance film but she loves it anyway.

"You're such a crybaby Lunababe,"

"Shut up France," everyone chimed in, Lexus hitting France with a pillow, next thing she knew, they were having pillow fights in their makeshift bed. Luna would definitely have a hard time cleaning their mess but for now, she was having too much fun to even care.

"Why am I friends with you again?" Toby mumbled loud enough for them to hear, but the smile on his face says otherwise.

"Cause we're awesome!" Athena beamed happily as Luna throws another pillow straight to Toby's face causing him to stumble a little, as they all laughed wholeheartedly.

Nights like this were one of Luna's favorites, just her and her best friends laughing, being normal teenagers, forgetting about the world outside her room, and just enjoying each other's company. Little did they know that some things were not meant to stay forever.

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