Chapter 25

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I checked the time and see that it's 11 pm. I look to see that I'm on the floor with the picture of Luke and I in my hand. I guess I cried myself to sleep. I look at my phone and see that I have a message from Merida.

'We're ready. We'll meet up at The Grand Hotel rooftop." It reads. I check and see that she sent it 5 minutes ago. Phew, I got there. If I woke up later then Merida would've killed me. I change into my spy suit and put my mask on. I open the windows and check if there's anyone outside. Luckily, there isn't. My room is on the third floor of my house...well mansion but that's not important. I jump out and land in the bushes. I start running towards the hotel that we're supposed to meet up at.

Once I finally get there, I look up and see that the hotel is high up. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look back. It's Jack. Even with his mask on, I can recognize him. Mostly because of his hair but still recognizable.

He grabs my hand and leads me to the back of the hotel without saying a word. He checks to make sure no one is looking and he grabs me by my waist in one hand and hold his staff in the other. He flies up and I make sure I get strong grip on Jack, I wouldn't want to fall to my death.

We get up to the roof and everyone's there. "Alright now that we're all finally here, we need to make sure that we all know what to do." Rapunzel says. We all nod and she looks at Anna.

"Okay so I'll go in first with Jack to make sure that there is no security guards in that area, if there is we need to knock them out." Anna says.

"Then when she gives me the signal, Flynn and I will go out to check the the hallway near the footage room for an guards." Merida says.

"She gives me the signal, Rapunzel and I will check in the footage room and get the guards out of the room." Hiccup says.

"Elsa and I will go inside and retrieve the video footage from the incident and if there's still a guard in there, I'll take care of him." Kristoff says.

Rapunzel nods and I can tell that she's smiling behind her mask. "Let's go then." She says and we all leave to the theatre.

~skip to theatre scene~

We finally arrive to the theatre and Anna and Jack go in first. They check if there are any guards and give Merida the signal, and she tells us to follow her. We run to the hallway near to footage room and Merida and Flynn do their thing. They give Hiccup the signal. Kristoff hide behind a way near the door and Rapunzel loudly screams, causing two guards to leave the room and run towards the Rapunzel and Hiccup. Kristoff and I quickly and quietly head towards the open door and see that there is one guard checking the security. In one of the little tv's shows Kristoff and I near the door. The guard looks at it and quickly turns around spotting us. I use my watch and throw a sleeping dart at him. He falls to the ground and we both quickly grab the tapes that were had all of today's footage. Once we get them, run out of the room.

"We got the tape, we're going up to the roof." I say into my earpiece. I hear everyone saying that they'll meet us there. Hopefully they will get there without any problems.

Kristoff and I are the first to get to the roof. We start looking around to find a way back to my house before the guards gain consciousness. Luckily the others came in time, "How do we get back to my house without getting caught or dying?" I ask breathing heavily. Sometimes when I get nerves or I get a bad feeling I start breathing heavily. I really need to control that.

"Elsa calm down. We can figure it out. Just breath in and out slowly." Jack says, calming me down. I do as he says and breath in and out. It works and I am finally calm.

"Hey guys, I think I know a way to get out." Hiccup says. We all look at him, waiting for him to tell us. Instead, he takes out a think that looks like a dog whistle and blows it (taking off his mask obviously). Before we know it, a dragon appears in front of us. My eyes widen and I smile.

"I thought dragons didn't exist." I say a bit confused, yet still smiling.

"Come on, we have powers yet people think that's highly impossible." He says putting on his mask. He does have a fair point.

"Can we all fit?" Anna asks.

"At least three people can fit." He answers. I look at the dragon, then at the amount of people we have.

"Kristoff and Flynn, you two get on behind Hiccup." I say and they do as I told them. I look at the girls and amount of space the girls have between them. "Girls, sit on their lap." The girls look at me like I'm crazy. "Just do it." I say and they hesitantly get on their laps.

"Alright, you all make it to my house, unnoticed, and Jack and I will meet you there." I say. The girls look at me like I'm crazy...again.

"How will you two get there?!" Rapunzel practically screams.

"He can fly, remember." I smirk, wrapping my arms around Jack. They leave and Jack wraps his right arm around my waist. He jumps up and he starts flying towards my house. I hold on tightly so I won't fall.

"You know, this is really nice." I say, looking down at the city below us. All the shining lights and peaceful sounds make it so beautiful.

"Yeah, we should do this more often." He says.

"What? The stealing?" I stupidly ask.

"No." He chuckles. "Flying just above the city. Just the two of us." He says. I feel my cheeks burn up. Thankfully he can't see my face right now or else he will be teasing me.

What is this feeling I'm having towards Jack? Could it be the feeling of a new friendship, or something more?



Sorry I haven't updated in like a week. I've been really busy and tomorrow I have to go back to school >~<

It's currently 10:40 pm & I'm not all.

Hopefully tomorrow will be fun, especially since I'll see my friends after 2 weeks.!

Oh & btw


I have a feeling that the first 4-5 will be very stressful for me because I have to deal with my final exams & my quinceañera. (For those of you who may not know, a quinceañera is a 15th birthday party that is a very huge deal for Hispanics. It deals with dancing, speaking, buying many different and expensive things. Kinda like a sweet 16)

Anyways, in the last authors note I said that if you guys wanted we could do Ask The Author. So please leave your questions down below and I will try to answer them.

*ask questions here*

Well that's all I have to say. I have to try to sleep.

Please comment & vote if you enjoyed this chapter.

Take care & I'm out.


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