Chapter 24

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Marshall looks at us blankly. "Hey?" He says in more of a question. We look go and sit across from him. The girls and I in one couch, the guys in the one next to ours. Marshall is sitting in front of us, starting to get confused.

"Listen Marshall, we need to talk about something important." I say. He nods and continues looking at us, waiting for someone to talk.

"While we were rehearsing for next week, this man attacked us from behind." Kristoff says.

"Jack and I were away from the group at the time and we went in as our spy-selves." I say.

"He said that he's been keeping an eye on us since we were young. Then, he said something about our past and he told us to ask you about it. Do you know anything about our pass?" Jack finishes. Marshall sighs and looks down.

"There's a legend that says that hundreds of years ago, the earth had 8 guardians. Each of them were the things that the world has. There was a guardian of love, kindness, bravery, curiosity, fun, peace, comfort, and mystery. It was said that they worked together to defeat all evil of the world. One day, they confronted a man who could control people's fear and use it against them. The guardians defeated the man after a long battle and he vowed that he will return one day to get his revenge and take over the world. Since the guardians were mortal, they eventually became old and died but they would always reincarnate in case the man actually returned. Our agency has been around longer than you can imagine, and they always search for the guardians to protect them and teach them to fight for good and not evil. This century we finally found the guardians, the only thing was that they already knew who they were. They were determined to find the man and defeat him, but the agency couldn't allow it. Their parents already knew about the legend so they made sure that they were protected for their own safety. Their memories were erased of their past, they didn't know about anything not even the legend. So now we've got them together and when the time comes, they will remember the past once again and this time it will be to defeat the man." All of this is a legend. It can't be true. Either way, what does this have anything to do with us? Unless...

"It's us." I mumble quietly. The girls look at me confused.

"What did you say?" Rapunzel asked.

"We're the guardians, aren't we?" I ask Marshall. He slowly nods.

"But why weren't we allowed to know?" Hiccup asked.

"Because there are some people in this world who are worshippers of the man. If they found out that you were the guardians, they sure as hell would kill you." Marshall answers.

This is totally crazy. At one point in my life I was just a girl with ice powers locked in her room to protect people, next I became a spy to protect people WITH my powers, then I became a star in a girl band, and now I'm a guardian. This isn't normal, then again my life never has been normal.

"Do you know who the man is?" Jack asked.

"If I told you, you probably won't believe me." He answered. We all just stare at him waiting for him to answer.

"It's's Pitch." He says hesitantly. My eyes widen. Pitch, the bad guy we have been chasing, is the man from the legend. A part of me is shocked but the other part isn't too surprised. After all, he has killed a lot of people including his crew. Wait a second, that dark figure somehow knew about our past. He knew that we were the guardians. It is possible that the man we saw earlier today is Pitch?

"Guys, we need to go to theatre later tonight." I said. They give me a confused look.

"Why?" Merida asks.

"Because I have a feeling that the man Jack and I saw is Pitch but I need security footage to get an identity check and background info. We need to know who and what we're dealing with here." I say. They all nod. After 2 hours of discussing our plans for tonight, they all leave. Of course now Marshall and I are alone, nothing I haven't gotten used to yet.

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