Chapter 20

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"Hey Elsa! Wait up!" Luke said running up to me. We just finished training and I was on my way to going to the mall with Rapunzel and Merida.

I turn to look at him and smile. "Hi Luke. What's up?" I say. I had the biggest crush on Luke. Luke was one of my best friends, but sadly I never knew if he liked me back so I decided to keep it on a down low.

"I actually wanted to ask you something." He says nervously. I've never seen Luke this nervous before. I give him a confused look, but still not breaking my smile.

"Ask away."

"I-I umm...I w-wanted to know i-if you wanted to um...g-go out with m-me." He stutters. I start blushing and I can see that he is too.

"Sure, I'd love to go out with you." I say smiling at him. He smiles wide at me & jumps up in excitement.

"I'll pick you up at 7?" He asks and I nod. I can't wait until I tell Rapunzel and Merida the good news.

*End of Flashback*

I was 16 at the time, Luke was 18. If he were still here he would be turning 23 tomorrow. Everyone in the agency knew about us being together, they even put up a shine in his honor. He was one of the top 3 best agents. I really miss him. He was the first person I ever loved.

I hear a light knock on the door. "Elsa? It's me, Rapunzel." She says quietly. "Can you let me in?" She asks. I quickly wipe my tears and open the door. Rapunzel comes inside the bathroom and I close the door once again.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Jack...kinda asked me out." I say quietly. She looks at me shocked and smiles.

"Really?! But if he asked you out then why are you sad?" She asks. I take a deep breath.

"When he asked me out, I thought of Luke and how he asked me on a date. He was the very first guy who asked me out and I just couldn't help but remember him and think of our moments together. I just wish that he was still here and he wasn't..." I stop before I make myself cry again.

"Elsa, I know that you still miss him but it's been 5 years since he died. You need to move on. You can't be like this forever." She says. I know she's right but a part of me can't move on. No matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about Luke.

"We have to go to Samantha's office soon." I say changing the subject. "Finish eating and get dressed, then we'll leave." I say and Rapunzel sighs and leaves the bathroom.

I think about Luke for another2 minutes before I go into the shower. After my relaxing shower, I quickly blow dry my hair and go outside to get dressed. (Picture at top/side)

Once I'm finished, I check my phone and see that it's 12:30.

"Girls, we better get going. I'll go get the guys while you finish getting ready." I say and go to the door beside us. I knock on their door and Jack opens the door.

"Elsa? Look I'm sorr-"

"Tell the guys that we need to leave right now." I say, interrupting him.

"Yeah sure but I'm so-"

I quickly walk away and go back to my room before he could finish. I know that it seems mean but I just can't talk to him right now. I get to my room and grab my car keys.

"You girls ready?" I say. They all nod and we go down to the lobby to wait for the guys. We stay down there for 5 minutes and then the guys come downstairs.

"Okay we're here." Flynn says.

"Okay so I'll be driving ahead while you guys follow us from behind, alright?" I say and they nod. We all get to our card and drive to Samantha's office.

~skip drive~

We reached a tall building that had 'Music Productions' in big letters. I guess this is the place. I wonder what floor she would be in. I find a parking space that's near the entrance. Luckily, there wasn't a lot of people here. Maybe it gets full in the afternoon.

The guys park right next to us and we all get out and go inside the building. The main floor is really big and it's all white. I feel like they should add more color. In the middle of the area there's a desk, while everyone else is going around walking and going in elevators. I kinda like this place for some reason.

We walk up to the desk and the secretary lady is behind talking on the phone. She has blue eyes and blonde hair. She looks around her mid 20's. Once she finishes talking in the phone, she looks up at us and smiles.

"Hi, how am I help you?" She asks nicely. I feel like she's forced to smile while doing this but who knows.

"Hi um..we're here to see Samantha Thompson." I answer.

"She's actually in a meeting but if you could please take a seat I'll tell you when she's ready for you." She says sweetly. I nod and thank her before going to take a seat, the others following me.

"Why would she tell us to get here at this time when she had a meeting scheduled?" Anna asks. I shrug and take out my phone. I see that Marshall sent me a message, although he's right here with us.

'Could we talk later? Privately.' It reads. I wonder what he wants to talk about.

'Yeah sure. How about we go out for some coffee later and we can talk then?' I answer back. I wait for 10 seconds before receiving a text from him.

'Yeah that's fine.' It says. I was about to ask him something before we get called up by the secretary. I go up to her before the others do.

"Ms. Thompson is ready for you all." She says sweetly.

"Could you tell me where I can find her? It's actually my first time here." I say blushing.

"Of course. Just take the elevator to the 10th floor and just go straight until you see the glass doors." She's says. I give her a 'thank you' smile and we all head to the elevator. We get to the 10th floor and follow the directions she gave us. We reach glass doors and I can already tell that Samantha's office is gonna be huge.

Hi guys.!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.! I'm sorry if it's short but I'm already working on the next chapter and I'm halfway done. Hopefully you'll like it.

I'm actually still working on my other story so please be patient. It's hard working on two stories at once, worrying about school, & babysitting.

But I have one more week of school before Christmas break.!!! Yayyyy.!!

What do you guys want for Christmas.?

I want 5sos and/or 1D tickets, iPhone 5, & a new boyfriend.

Lol jk, I love my boyfriend that way he is😘💜

So that's all I have to say. Please comment & vote.

Take care & I'm out.


This chapter was written on 12/10/14

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