Chapters 23

774 23 1

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" I say in a questionable tone, my voice shaking.

"My dear I've been keeping an eye on you for a while now, ever since you were young. I know everything about you. You're weaknesses, your strengths, especially your fears." He answers. Who is this guy? Why has he even been stalking me? I don't even remember seeing a guy like him in my life. What if he's someone from my past, from when I was born or something.

"You're parents kept you locked in your room for quite a long time, haven't they?" He says smirking. My mind starts remembering the moments I've spent locked in my room afraid of hurting people, afraid of hurting Anna. I can feel the tears start to form in my eyes but hold them in. Although he can't see my tears, I don't want to cry.

"How do you know about that?" I ask him, not showing any emotion in my voice.

"Like I said, I know everything about you. All of you." He says pointing at all of us. The others are still on the floor, unconscious. What the hell did he do to them? He obviously attacked them when they were off guard because they're still in their normal clothing.

"Why? What business do you have with us?" Jack asks angrily.

"You don't remember your past do you?" The man says softly. What is he talking about? This is just confusing me.

"What are you talking about? What past?" Jack asks. I can tell that he's just as lost as I am by the tone of his voice. We both look at the man until he answers Jack's question.

"I think you should ask your dear Marshall. He knows exactly why you were all chosen to become agents." The man says before disappearing in dark clouds. I hear Anna gasp for air and start coughing. I run towards her and hold her in my arms.

"An- Allison." I correct myself, realizing that there's still a few people around. "Are you okay?" I ask her before she smiles and nods. I let out a sigh of relief and see that the others are starting to gain consciousness. I see Samantha coming towards us, the police and Marshall following her. I look at Jack, telling him that we have to tell before they get us. He nods and we both jump on stage and start running up to the roof, so they won't catch us in the main exit. "GET THEM!" I hear someone yell before hearing footsteps behind us. We get to the roof and Jack and I quickly change back into our normal clothing, by pressing the other button on our watch. Jack pulls me close, pretending to protect me, and we both look at the edge of the roof. We hear the police officers rush through the door and they run towards us.

"Where did they go?!" One yells and Jack points to the edge of the roof. The officers run to the edge and look down. He gets furious and let's out an angry yell.

"They got away again!" He yells. He looks at the other officers and says, "Find them. I don't care how long it takes but I want you to find them and bring them back to me." He says and the other officers nod and leave, the angry one following behind. Once we see that they closed the door, Jack and I burst out laughing.

"Did you see how angry he was when he saw that we got away?" Jack saying, still laughing.

"I can't believe he just completely ignored us when he saw that we got away." I say also laughing. "So I'm guessing that it's not your first time encountering with Officer Drew?" I ask him, calming down.

"Nah, he was the main guy I would have to face off whenever the guys and I stole things for Pitch." He says.

"I wonder what that guy meant, about our past." I say, remembering our previous encounter with the strange man.

"He said to ask Marshall, so that's what we'll do." Jack says and I nod. We both head downstairs and decided that we should pretend on being shocked on what happened. I see that some paramedics are taking Anna and the others away and I run towards Samantha.

"Sam what happened?!" I ask in a shocked and worried tone.

"I don't know, we were just talking and then all of a sudden they just yelled in pain and fell to the ground. Then there was this tall dark figure and I ran to call for help." She explains. Well at least I knew what happened to them before I came down here.

"What were you guys doing up there anyways?" She asks.

"Jack and I wanted to catch up on some things since we haven't seen each other in a while. Plus, I wanted to talk to him on how our bands should be kind to one another and not be total douchebags." I say. She tries to hide her laughter while Jack has a fake offended face which makes me laugh.

"I'm gonna go check on the others. See if they're okay." I say and Samantha nods. Jack and I go outside and see that everyone is in their own ambulance getting checked on. After a few seconds they walk towards us, seeming to be fine.

"Hey, are you guys alright?" I ask. They all nod.

"Yeah, I just don't get how or what even happened. At one point we were just talking to Sam and the next I get a shot of pain through my body and everything went black." Merida explains to us.

"Well while you guys were unconscious, we came face to face with this man." I tell them. They gave us a look as if saying, 'I want to know more.' Jack and I told them from when we got down here to the man disappearing.

"Well I guess we're gonna have to ask Marshall." Rapunzel says and I nod.

We all go to the cars that brought us here and they take us back to my house. We all have our own separate house, well sorta. Marshall and I love together because everyone thinks we're engaged and all. Anna, Merida, and Rapunzel live together then the guys live together. The only good thing is that we live near each other.

We get out the car and see Marshall on the couch. Time for questions.


Hi guys.!

Sorry this isn't so long but I didn't know what else to add.

I also want to give a shout out to my friend Kiara, who isn't reading this because she doesn't have an account but she wanted me to give her a shout out anyway.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Please comment & vote.

Take care & I'm out.


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