Chapter 22

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The girls and I just are currently rehearsing for the AMA's.
(Outfit on side/top. *from left to right* Elsa, Merida, Rapunzel, Anna)

Wait a minute let me take you there

Wait a minute till you

We all finish singing. We hear a few claps from the staff and the other artists that are there.

"You girls did amazing! Just watch, no one will be ready for the performance you girls will do next week." Samantha says smiling.

"Thank you Sam. None of this would even be possible if it wasn't for you." I say.

"She's right, it's because of you that we're here today. Just one year together and we're already nominated an AMA award!" Anna say squealing. We all laugh and agree with her.

"Well, it was my pleasure. You girls had great talent, along with the guys, and I figured that everyone else would love to hear what you've got." Samantha answers.

"Hey, what are you girls talking about?" Jack says walking towards us, the guys following him.

"They're probably talking about how sad they're gonna be when WE win the award for Newest Artist Of The Year." Flynn says.

"I see that you won't stop dreaming Francisco." Rapunzel answers, saying his name in a Spanish accent.

"Come on now Rose, you know that guys are better than girls." He says. The girls look at him with a 'bitch what' kind of look.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Merida says.

"He's right. Guys are so much better than girls at a lot of stuff. All girls are good at is cleaning, cooking, and giving us what we what." Jack says, backing up Flynn.

Rapunzel, Merida, and Anna are about to punch both Jack and Flynn but Samantha and I quickly grab them before they do.

"Let me go! I can take him!" Merida yells. Some people start looking at the scene the girls are making. Samantha and I pull the girls outside to the roof. I need to talk to them alone up there and it's high up so whatever we do, no one will see. Once we get to the roof, I tell Samantha to let go get the guys while I talk to the girls. When she leaves I glare at the girls.

"What the hell were you girls thinking?!" I yell at them.

"Are you serious?! You heard what they said and you're defending them?!" Merida yells back at me.

"I'm not defending them! This is the reason why I didn't want to do this record deal. I knew that the fame was going to get to your heads and soon enough you were going to fight with the guys. We have to work with them and like it or not you can't be enemies with them, fame or no fame. We have to be kind to one another." I tell them.

"If we can't be enemies with them then why do you have a problem with Jack?" Anna asks. I give her a blank look.

"I see the way you ignore him and give him a disgusted look. He never did anything to you, and he tries to be your friend but you just shut him out. It makes him feel bad about himself as if he did something to hurt you." She says, raising her voice.

"Anna how would you know what he feels?" I ask calmly.

"Because that's how I felt when you shut me out!" She yells. I turn around, my back facing the girls. I try my best to hold back my tears. She has no idea what I've been through. She doesn't know the fear that I've been facing ever since I was young and I doubt that she'll ever understand.

"What did I ever do to you?!" She yells.

"Enough Anna.." I say. I don't want this happening in front of Merida or Rapunzel. Not now.

"No, why?! Why did you shut me out?! Why did you just the world out?! What were you so afraid of?!"

"I shut people out because I was afraid of them seeing me as a monster!" I yell at her. She gives me a confused yet hurt face. "All my life I had to control my powers. Back home, I had to lock myself in my room because I didn't want to hurt anyone. Not mama, not papa, not even you." I explain to her, by now the tears are streaming down my face.

"Elsa...I'm sorry. If I've had known-"

"It's fine. You have every right to be angry at me. You didn't know the truth. I just wish mama and papa would've told you while I was gone."

We get interrupted by the guys coming through the roof door. "Samantha told is that you wanted to speak to us." Jack says. I nod and look at the door making sure that no one else is following them.

"Listen, I don't know what got over you two but we can't be enemies in this fame kind of thing. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't be here right now." I tell them sternly.

"I'm sorry but I don't think it was you who gave us a record deal." Flynn says smirking.

"But it was my idea to do the sing off. If it wasn't for that, we wouldn't of had been noticed by Samantha, thus not getting a record deal or be here rehearsing for the AMA's." I tell him. The guys start saying 'oooooh' and try to hold in their laughter.

"Now if you guys can't get your act together then I swear I will tell Samantha that we will end the contract and go back to finding Pitch without having the fun we're having now." I say. They all nod and before we leave to go back to the stage, I remember what Anna said about Jack.

"Jack, can I talk to you for a second. Alone." I say. He gives me a confused look and nods. The others leave and head down to the stage, at least I hope they do.

"What's up? You've never wanted to talk alone, or talk to me at all." He says the last part a bit sad.

"I'm sorry." I tell him.

"Sorry for what?"

"For everything. I've realized that I have been hurting you, in ways that I didn't even know I could. I kept ignoring you and shutting you out when you just wanted to be my friend. I'm sorry..really I am." I say looking at him. He still has his confused face which makes me chuckle a bit.

"No I get it. You don't want to work with a criminal like me. Good guys can't ever trust a criminal." He says sadly.

"Jack if it's okay with you, I'd like to start over." I say smiling.

"R-Really?" He says shocked. I nod, still smiling. He smiles and laughs. "Of course, I'd like for us to start over." He comes over and hugs me tight. I hug him back just as tight. After what seems like forever, we both pull away and go down to the stage.

Once we get there, we see that everyone is screaming and running towards the exit. I look and Jack and he looks at me. We both pull start running and press a button on our watch that changes from our clothing to our spy uniform, also adding on our mask. Marshall gave us all a watch a few months ago that changes our clothing quickly so we don't have to take a while to do it when there's danger.

We continue running until we see Anna and the others on the floor. We stop running and look at the figure in front of them. It's a tall black figure, with yellow eyes.

Who the hell is this guy?

"Hello Elsa." He says smiling wickedly.

That voice. It sounds familiar. Can I be? Is it him? No, I thought it wasn't real. He's the man.

The man from my dreams.


Cliffhanger! I hope this chapter was long enough. I wanted something interesting to finally happen.

So what do you guys think about Elsa, Jack, & Marshall. Who do you want to happen first. Jelsa or Marelsa?

Well I have to go because I have 20% left.!

Merry Late Christmas.!!🎅🎄🎁

Take care & I'm out.


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