Chapter 10

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It's been an hour an Marshall still hasn't come back. I wonder what he's doing. What if he knows information about Pitch? He wouldn't keep information like that away from me, right? I've known Marshall longer than anyone here so we're like siblings. Siblings who never keep things from each no matter what.

My thoughts get interrupted by the door opening. I look to see who it is and it's Marshall.

"You're still here?" He asks a bit surprised. He looks a bit tired.

"Yeah. Rapunzel and Merida left about 20 minutes ago."

He nods and sits down. I just continue staring at him. I don't know why but I find it awkward at this very moment.

"So why did you leave when I mentioned Pitch Black?" I need to know the answer. He wouldn't barge up and leave if it wasn't important.

"When I was young, before I was chosen to be an agent here, I experienced both of my parents' death." I nod, remembering the story that he told me before.


When Marshall was 8 years old, he saw the horrible murder of his parents. He had just gotten home from school and his mother, with tears in her eyes, told him to go upstairs and to not come out no matter what he hears. That was the last goodbye he got from his mother, his father still not there. After being in his room for a while, he started hearing yelling, screaming, and glass breaking. He heard his father's voice and he couldn't help but go downstairs and say hello to him. Before he actually made it downstairs, he heard a death like scream from his mother, he slowly and quietly went down the stairs and hid behind the walk. At that moment, he saw the most horrifying image.

His mother's head separated from her body.

His father was being held back by two people in black clothing and masks, so he couldn't see their faces. His father was brought to his knees in front of a man, a man who had a blood covered machete in his hands. Even though he was young, he knew that his father was about to die. But he couldn't move, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't run away or run up to help his father. Before he died, he saw his son and mouthed a quick 'I love you' before being decapitated. Marshall was heart broken but also traumatized. "Find the boy." Was the last thing he heard before going up to his room, and escaping the window. Leaving behind his loving home and traumatic experience.


Just thinking about his story brings tears to my eyes. He's been through so much ever since.

"Well there's one thing I didn't tell you about the story." I give him a confused look. What wouldn't he have told me.

"While I was still up in my room, I heard my mother say a name. I never thought it would be important but I see it is."

"It was Pitch, wasn't it?" I ask and he nods. I can't believe that someone would murder innocent people. What would Pitch even want with Marshall's parents? Hell, what did he even want with Marshall?

"I went over to Belle* and made sure that she would start looking for any useful information about Pitch. When she does, we look for him." He says. I can tell that he's angry by the tone of his voice. Who wouldn't be angry? After 17 years, he finally heard more about the man who murdered his parents.

"So what should we do about the "undercover agents"? I ask, making sure to use air quotes.

"I'll take care of it. Right now, get Rapunzel, Merida, and the new agent and go to the roof."

"Hold on, we have a new agent?" Since when did we have a new agent. How come no one told me?!

"Yes, just tell them that and they'll know who it is." And with that he leaves.

I go over to the lobby, hoping that they will be there. Once I see them, I walk over to them and tell them what Marshall told me. "The new agent? Oh yeah, I think she's in Mount Floral." Merida says.

Mount Floral? Why would she be there?

"She's special. Just like you." Rapunzel says and smiles at me. I give her a confused and a look that shows as if she was crazy, but I still smile back.

I go to the traveling room, there I just pick up Snow Globes and I say my destination. I grab a Globe and whisper "Mount Floral." I throw the Globe to a wall and a magic portal appears. I grab another snow globe before I jump in and arrive to the destination.

(The destination is the picture above/right)

I see a girl with strawberry hair, controlling the water. It kinda reminds me of...Anna. That can't be her, could it?

I start walking up to her and I step on a branch, which obviously makes a noise. She quickly turns, throwing water at me but I quickly freeze it. When the now icicle falls on the floor I see the girls face, which leaves my jaw falling on the floor.

It is Anna. My sister is a new agent and has water powers!!



So how did you guys like it?

What did you think of Marshall's sad story? I seriously cried while writing it. I'm a horrible person😭

Well because I have an idea of what will happen next, I will update again later or tomorrow.

Oh btw, Belle is from Beauty and he Beast in case you were confused or anything. Just thought I should clear that out.

So yesterday, I went to this Hispanic Heritage celebration thing at school and I saw my Ex Boyfriend dancing and I started taking pictures to show him. He actually didn't do so bad. But I showed him today and he was like "OMG YOU WENT?! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME?! YOURE SO MEAN!"

Lol, he's very weird and fun😂

Well that's all I got to share today.

If you enjoyed this chapter, please comment and vote.

Take care & I'm out.


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