Chapter 36

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Jack's P.O.V

Rapunzel and Flynn come over to me while I was reviewing one of the groups' plan. They seem really happy and excited. I wonder why.

"Jack! We just thought of a plan that could save Elsa and Anna." Flynn tells me and my head quickly snaps toward him. He looks at Rapunzel, waiting for her to explain.

"Well Flynn just told me that he discovered a new power, which is invisibility." She starts and I nod. Where is she going with this? "Well what if we all go to that Waterfall and Flynn goes inside, invisible, and gets Elsa and Anna out of there?" She says, smiling.

That could work, but there's just one problem. "Flynn is invisible so nobody can see him but Anna and Elsa aren't, Pitch will see them escaping." I tell her. She just gives me a smirk and continues.

"Flynn can actually turn anything and anyone he touches invisible. Watch." She looks at Flynn and he slowly starts to disappear. Rapunzel sticks her hand out for him to touch and she starts to turn invisible. My eyes widen at what I just saw. If this works then Anna and Elsa would be safe but Pitch would still come after us.

"We still need to take everyone. Pitch will come after us either way so we might as well defeat him while saving the girls." I tell them. They slowly start to reappear and they both have confused faces.

"Jack buddy, if Pitch sees us all out there then he'll surely kill then before I could even get to them." Flynn says. Now it's my turn to give them a smirk.

"Well that's why we're using camouflage." They continue looking confused as I get up and make my way towards the auditorium.


After I told everyone about the plan Flynn and Rapunzel came up with, everyone started getting prepared. I also told them to use camouflage. Right now we're outside of Pitch's lair. Everyone is in their position (which is up in the trees, or down on the ground). I decided to go in with Flynn to make that Anna and Elsa will come out just fine.

He turns invisible and I feel him touch my arm and I soon start turning invisible as well. As much as we didn't want to, and I really really didn't want to, we we're told to hold hands so we wouldn't get separated or lost. We both run towards the waterfall and get inside the lair. We didn't get as wet as we thought we would which is a good thing.

"You okay?" I ask Flynn. He tells me that he's fine and we both continue walking, going deeper into the lair.

"Make sure they both stay in there." I hear a familiar male voice say. "I want them alive when I unravel my creations to the world."


Flynn and I walk over to the door he Pitch was at. I try to open it but it's locked. I freeze the door knob and Flynn punches it, shattering it and opening the door. We walk in and it's a dungeon. We see two guys sitting down with their eyes closed, trying to sleep. They obviously haven't heard us so we continue walking down the dungeon. Instead if cells, they have rooms. I guys it's like a room cell kind of thing.

"Elsa he could be lying." I hear Anna's voice. We both walk over to the door where we heard her voice from. I was about to freeze the door until I heard something that just froze me instead.

"What if he isn't? What if I really am Pitch's daughter?"

Elsa? Pitch's daughter? That can't be possible. Elsa looks nothing like him. Pitch is probably saying something like that to manipulate her. Either way, Elsa wouldn't just turn to his side just because she's his daughter, would she?

"Jack, what are you waiting for?" I hear Flynn say when I don't do anything. I almost forgot about this whole rescue mission. I freeze the door knob and Flynn punches it. Luckily it didn't make so much noise so we're fine. We walk inside and the girls are looking towards us, worried. Why are they worried? Oh wait, they can't see us.

"Flynn, can you turn us visible again?" I ask and soon we both start turning visible. Anna and Elsa look at us in relief.

I walk over to Elsa and freeze the chains and it works. "But Pitch said-"

"Don't ever trust a thing he says." I tell her, cutting her off. I look to see if Anna if free and she is. Since the exist isn't too far from here, we decided to go without turning invisible. The guards here fell asleep so we didn't have to worry about them. We start running towards the exist when we hear yelling.

"Get them! No matter what, don't let her escape!"

Pitch really must want Elsa. Too bad, Elsa is already ours (in a non possessive way). We continue running until we see the waterfall. We all stop a few feet from it, grab our hands together, and start running once again. We jump through the waterfall and land in the water below.

When I get the surface, I look for the others and they all come back up at the same time. We did it. We saved Anna and Elsa.

"Are you girls okay?" Flynn asks and they smiles and nod.

"I thought you guys were never gonna get here." Anna says with a smile. We all get out of the water and I notice that the waterfall splits in half. I look over at Anna but she hasn't even noticed it so it couldn't be her. I look around at the trees and ground to looks for Kristoff but the damn camouflage doesn't want me to see him. Damn whoever even invented camouflage.

I look back at the waterfall and notice Pitch is standing there. I catch him staring at me and he smirks. Elsa and the others look at me and follow my eyes, spotting Pitch. They all glare at him, which just makes him smirk even more.

"I told you that if you didn't stay out of this, then you would have to die. I guess that's what you really want." Black sand starts forming around him but then disappears when everyone comes out of hiding and get around us, trying to protect us.

"If you want them then you're gonna have to go through me." Kristoff says. Everyone says the same and I notice myself smiling. I've never been part of a group in which they would sacrifice themselves. No, this isn't a group. It's a family. They don't have to be family by blood but my heart. This is what I've been missing out my while life and I'm not gonna lose this. Never in my life.

"Alright then. If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get." He says and soon, a bunch of his Nightmares are by his side. There's much more of them than us but I know that they will lose. I just know it.

"Boo." Is all he is and with that, all of his Nightmares come after us.


Hi guys.!!

So it's finally gonna be a battle scene next chapter.! I have no idea how I'm gonna pull it off so hopefully you'll still enjoy it and be able to imagine it because it'll probably suck.

So last week I went to school on Monday, but it was a half day, and after that I had no school for the rest of the week.

This week is pretty much gonna be the same because it snowed a lot today so hopefully no school this week.!

So if you enjoyed this chapter, please comment and vote.

Take care & I'm out.


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