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They all got inside her ward exchanging hugs and kisses..

Where is my baby girl trying to sit up ouch..

Serves you right you can't be forcing to sit up nana you still in pain and you'll tear your stitches up,sigh

Sorry mama, oh my look at her she's so tiny as she took her my beautiful baby girl.

She looks like you alot one would swear phumlani was a sperm donour

Wow just wow laughing shaking his head.

Her name is "..

Amanda Angel Mazibuko he smilled after he said those beautiful words looking at them both.

Wow really well i chose Amanda who came with the other one looking at them?

Well he did ofcourse.

Yes you don't like it? He sounded worried

No no i love it yes she's our lil angel, uhm can you please leave us for a moment.

It's alright my baby signalling them to go out..

Uh phumlani please stay behind i want to talk to you she said.

At first he seemed a bit off but he finally gave in sitting down next to her.

I'm sorry about everything she started, i really didn't think i won't justify for my stupid mistakes but I'm willing to take whatever you give me and i'..

Shhhh! Listen to me yes you did me wrong and yes you can't justify but i don't know if I'm a fool or what but i just couldn't forget about you plus you've given me the best of the best blessing which is angel. Thank you for this best gift you've given me.

Uhm so do you forgive me? Her voice sounded broken

Yes i do and I'm not promising anything but can you guys come home i missed you so much.

I'd be more than happy to be home taking his hand, i promise you i won't ever do you like that ouch looking at amanda who was sulking her milk for dear life, laughs your baby wants to take off my nipple.

Damn that must be painful how is the feeling i mean you carried her inside you.

The feeling is out of this world she looks so tiny and beautiful touching her tiny feet.

She definitely is, we gonna make this us work okay?

Smilling, okay as they both hold hands smilling at one another.

Are they going to be okay?

Yes love they will be amanda looks so beautiful.

She is beautiful so when are you going to give me my Amanda? With a smirk.

Hahahah nice try buddy let's go I'm very much tired, mama you guys are going or you'll stay here?

Hay hay I've seen my grandchild I'm tired I've been here the whole night baba let's go.

Yes I'm pretty much tired too he stood up joining them .

I guess phumlani won't even notice that we gone right?

Ahh shame they both won't they are sleeping anyway let's go i should've joined your uncles sipho when they said they going on pretty much sure they all sleeping now with their mouths open they were pretty much drunk.

Hehehe thobile thank God he's not here cause if he heard you hmhm child hell would break loose laughing

Tjo thank God uhm I'll go with mama and baba sindi?

Nah she's going with us to the hotel dont sweat.

Alright hugging the three of them I'll see you guys later on today checking the time fuck it's 03:00 a.m hay hay I'm going to sleep now she ran to her parents.

Yah neh! She's really crazy let's go lovers I'm so tired right now all i need is the bed yhuu yawning..

Yes lets go they all went to the car as soon as sindi got in she dozzed off, babe look at her..

Shame man now i feel bad look at her she was really tired hey but i don't blame her wearing the sitbelt ain't you tired hun?

I am as soon as we get there i just want to sleep.

Smiles looking at him..

Uhm okay what is it now why you looking at me like that?

I'm just happy are you happy?

If you asking I'm i happy that you my wife then hell yeah i am definetly smiling.

I love you Mr Ndlovu holding his hand.

Well i love you with my all Mrs Ndlovu as they both shared a kiss, hmhm no no backing out babe let's go I'm really tired and don't give me that look please no shaking her head.

Hehehe what are you talking about now?

That look yes that one trust me you won't get any I'm too tired hay.

Jeez i didn't say I'm gonna do something to you babe i can see you tired relax but in the morning I'll get some definetly right?

Sipho though laughing looking at him, stop saying such things she will hear you.

Arg forget it she's dead i guess the alcohol she had earlier on is showing her flames laughing.

And how come you not drunk?

Uhm you really asking me that?

Euwww no man really so i made you sober?

Ofcourse i must say you've become a freak this past few days..

So you complaining?

Well no ofcourse not trust me if i was not driving right now i was gonna hmhm let me not say it rather.

But babe stop tempting me i see what you doing and trust me you won't succeed.

Wanna bet?



I'm sleeping you'll wake me up when we get to the hotel.

Oh hell no so both of you will be snoring here while I'm driving? Babe I'm gonna be bored come on.

No I'm tired besides you said it yourself you tired too so if i sleep you'll drive faster closing her eyes.

But babe ah come on now..

Shhh you making noise she lowered her sit like she always does then faced the other way it didn't even take her any minute but she slept right away.

Hehehe wow just wow looking at them both so now I'm the chauffeur yah neh he continued driving avoiding them with their snores.

The Girl With Big Dreams( Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now