Chapter Fourty One

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Wakey wakey girl tapping her lightly hehehe you don't wanna go to work anymore?

Yawning..ahh man stretching herself I'm so tired yoh is it the next day already?

Yes ntombi wake up and bath hai you don't know how Mr lewis gets when you come to work late.

Eish okay okay getting off bed, let me fix the bed sindi I'll go bath tuu.

Heheh okay then you'll find me in the lounge didn't you set alarm to wake you up?

I forgot yesterday i was too tired i just ate then slept my feet were paining yesterday yoh fixing her bed..wait what time did you wake up at?

Well as early as i can i couldn't sleep so i just bathed ironed my uniform but I'll wear it around 07:30 i still have time nice to be me huh?

Hehe yeah right taking her towels and toiletries heading to the bathroom.

Shouting, don't take long please i don't want get bored laughing.

Shouting back,Shut up!

Whoah my phone is ringing where is it asking herself as she looks for it flips flip where the fuck is my phone until she saw it on the couch covered by the cushion...answered helo?

Hey sindi I've been trying to call ntombi is she sleeping?
Oh no she just woke up she went to bathroom to bath akhona I'll let her know you called.
Clears throat uhm thank you sindi well I'm around that side I'll leave end of the week.
Oh nice so where you staying?
At a friends house
No why don't you come here will make a plan that's if you don't mind,biting her lip
I don't wanna intrude besides it's two bedrooms remember?
Laughs yeah i know well you'll let me know if you do come by then.
Okay okay only if I'll sleep on the bed?
Laughs yeah sure i guess you'll be sharing with me then
Heheh i don't mind it's big enough for two people anyway okay let me not make you late for work
Oh yeah uhm you'll be coming when?
Uhm..Wednesday is it fine?
Yeah sure okay bye Mr nkosi
Bye bye sindiswa..hung up

Smilling taking her uniform that she neatly folded on top of the couch huming while wearing her skirt.

Hehheh someone's in a good mood wassup girl heading to her wearing a towel.

Blushing let's just say Wednesday it's gonna be a nice day infact this whole week saying excitedly.

Uhmm? waiting for her to tell her the details

Hai ntombi just wear your uniform I'll tell you about it when we walk to work well we walking right?

Eish, scratching her locks well I'm tired sindi.

No no will walk so that you'll get used to standing up all day cause if you get used to ubers and what not you'll be lazy i tell you unless you buy yourself a bycle

Yeah, yeah man good kissing her all over her face yeah totally i will yoh you are brilliant heading to her bedroom

Shouting, you do know i was joking right?

Heading back to her with her bag and jersey well boo i kind off like the idea trust me, i don't know i feel like it's a good plan i can't walk then go stand the whole frikkin day at work I'll faint hey tying her locks to a ponytail.

Heheheh well i hear you imagine coming at work riding a bike laughs you all sweaty and all you do know cars were invented for a reason right?

Laughing hitting her with a pillow hai sindi you hyper shame i don't care you mentioned a bycle and that's what I'll get simple did you make breakfast?

I had wheetbix

Ewww no hell no those things don't taste nice its like I'm eating wood with milk.

Laughing loud what? You crazy okay make noodles then

Better heading to the kitchen took out the plate and noodles poured them on the plate with water then she puts them on the microwave so?

What girl wearing her jersey.

Flip! Hitting her forehead lighlty i forgot khosi is off today I'm gonna get bored shame hey.

Haha what about phindile?

Yey don't mention that girl she was just acting weird yesterday one would swear your collegues are crazy shame taking out the bowl from the microwave hmhmhm noodles are nice though eating.

Hahah yeah they are hey that's why i never entertain those girls I'm always with tshepo and them shame.

Yeah they nice people yoh let's go now taking her belongings

Yea sure right after you madam as they walk out locking the house damn we really are walking my God

Hehe you really are sulking today no man you making me tired and trust me I'm not in the mood for that

Smiles, okay out with it pushing her lightly.

Hahah smilling okay uhm akhona called me earlier on well he wanted you but then your phone was putting him straight to voicemail


Well he's around joburg

What? Wait you being foreal my sbari is around that's amazing

Yeah yeah oh and another thing he's coming tomorrow to sleepover .

Huh looking at her

Uhmm wait flip you mad?

No I'm not it's his house anyway.

Don't put it like that ntombi come on now out with it.

Okay okay so tell me well we have two bedrooms right?

Uhm yea..

Well I'm thinking since he's not going to sleep with me I'm guessing you guys will be sharing a bed sindi sies hitting her lightly.

Laughing no man well i mean i need to get some it's been long dude.

Long for what?

Well you know girl, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Wow so i need to buy earbuds?

Hahah you exagerrating shame shuu we already here were we walking that fast?

I guess so damn I'm already tired trust me

Laughing loud you crazy well I'll see you when we knock off.

Huh how cause you'll be seeing me all day

Obviously you know what i mean as they got greeting

Hey kitchen lady said

Hey teko how are you hehe you early today .

Well i asked lewis to put me on the shift I'm hoping will be having lunch together yea?

Uh..uhmm looking around look i haveto go leaving him there..

Hmhmhm teko already you allover my sister huh I'm watching you.

Come on sindi you know I'm a good boy now .

Den: guys morning please gather around, uhmm what happened yesterday shouldn't happen again today looking at ntombi then all of them oh and ntombi today you'll be at the front since most of them are off okay?

Yes sir whispering to thapelo is he the manager?

Whispering back yeah and you don't want to be on his bad side trust me.

Yea yea

Well as i was I'm hoping today will work our butts off and behave off you go ..heading to the kitchen

Oh lord so help me now as she joined the others...

The Girl With Big Dreams( Unedited)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें