"I don't know, whatever you want", she then eyes the ties he's been holding, inspecting them and pointing at one of them, "Oh and wear this one at the wedding."

He's about to ask her more questions, but her attention is caught by Yoongi's phone ringing. Snapping her gaze towards him, she can see him check the caller ID, but then silence it and put it back next to the bag he's packing.

"Who's calling you, Yoongi?", she asks, already knowing the answer.

"Oh...", he doesn't even bother turning towards her, "Nothing important..."

"Okay, alright", she mutters under her breath, slightly pissed before strutting into his room and motioning him to follow, "Come on, Yoongi, let's talk."

The cat-eyed boy looks highly confused as to what's going on, but follows her into his own room nevertheless, not wanting to question this girl much. As soon as he enters though, she slams the door shut behind him.

"Who called, Yoongi?", she asks once again, obviously ticked off this time.

"I...", he's frightened by her sudden demeanor, "It was Myeong..."

"Uh huh", she reacts as if she'd known already, "And why didn't you answer?"

"Because... I'm busy?", he hesitates, unsure of what Moonhae wants to hear exactly.

"Dammit, Yoongi!", she slams her palm against the wall near her, "She's your friend! How long do you want to ignore her for?"

"Moonhae...", he breathes, slightly disconcerted with why she cares or knows so much, "It's been almost a year since our falling out. Sure, we've seen each other a couple times, but what else-"

"Do you have any idea what actually happened last year?", she then cuts him off, "I don't mean what went down between you and Minjun, I mean the third person that carried just as much weight as you two did. Myeong came to me for advice, knowing Minjun was cheating on you and she found the strength in her heart to tell you, which wasn't damn easy, because she was in love with you. And then you played with her feelings, because you were hurt and accused her of destroying your relationship. I know you came to terms with it and figured things out, but did you ever- even once- think about how Myeong was feeling?"

"I apologized to her!", he insists, getting flustered.

"Yeah, months after it happened!", she shoots back, "But if you were truly her friend then you would know how much she suffered! Apologizing isn't enough, if you're not there for her!"

"Why are you so mad at me?!", he raises his voice as she raises hers.

"Because after your argument I found her slitting her wrists in the bathroom!", she finally yells out.

"W-what?", he stammers, everything running through his mind at a hundred miles per hour, his stomach turning over simultaneously, "B-but she said... S-she was okay again..."

"Look, I'm not saying it's your fault, Yoongi", her voice suddenly takes a softer tone, seeing how distraught he is over this, "It's not. It's just that she could use the friend she loves so dearly around her. Or at least answer her calls. She's been through just as much as you and Minjun have. Hell, she lost her lifelong best friend. Her whole world came crashing down. She's doing better now, but I think she just wants to smooth things over between you."

"But what am I even supposed to do?", his hint of irritation is back again, "I don't want to lead her on."

"Lead her on?", Moonhae has to refrain from rolling her eyes, "Jesus, Yoongi, just talk to her. Maybe... Why don't you invite her to the wedding?"

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