Book 3: Chapter 14

Start from the beginning

"Would both be a good answer?"

"I have to tell you, I expected you in a pretty dress for our first date but you in these pants it's not so bad," Henry remarks as he walks with Finley to the carriages, behind them were Blaise and Theo who were already holding their wands tightly in their pockets.

"Well I would hate to freeze to death with my legs bare now would I?" She replied with a smile on her face, dreading the date already. On first encounter she thought the Ravenclaw boy would be in better manners, she thought she would compliment her but no. He complained about her being late, shoved another bundle of roses up her nose and thankfully Theo 'accidentally' dropped them as the hoard of students came out the school doors.

"You were late and I thought you were prepping yourself nicely," Henry replies with his eyes straight ahead.

"Maybe I was prepping myself to run away from this date," Finley mumbles.

"Did you say something?"

"No! I'm actually looking forward to this," Finley giggled, but inside she was gagging.

Henry's face lit up grabbing hold on her gloved hand and pulling her up the carriage, helping her up slightly. "You will enjoy it I'm sure!"

She wasn't enjoying it, in fact it was far from enjoying. "The girls I dated loved madam Puddifoot's, they make the best tea," Henry says holding a vanilla muffin towards Finley's lips.

"So I hear," she slowly says, placing the muffin down in distaste as she wasn't fond of the food or the place. It was too pink and girlish that she would rather be in a pub than in here.

"Last year Layla, she's in Hufflepuff, loved the vanilla muffins."

"Yes, you already told me that," Finley smiles at him sweetly, in truth she was dying of boredom and irritation. She went on a date with the boy who talks about his exes and it was castrating.

"She was really pretty, blonde girl and blue eyes. She was a dream—"

"Can we please talk about something else?" Finley interrupts him, it was becoming unbearable to keep hearing him talk about his exes.

"Sure," Henry finally says. "So why did you decide to date me?"

"Excuse me?" Finley blinked, not expecting the question at all.

"I mean I am good looking and I don't always go out with girls younger than me—"

"Spare me, I'm leaving," Finley muttered under her breath, standing up from her seat, placing a few sickles on the table with her coat in her arms.

"Where are you going?"

"It was lovely to spend the day with you Mr Henry Bennet of Ravenclaw," Finley sweetly and sarcastically said before turning her heel and leaving the tea shop. Being angry was a strong of a word to be describing Finley at the moment, she was irritated.

Putting on her coat and walking in three broomsticks where she knew where her best friends would be. She couldn't wait to get back in the castle, she wanted peace and maybe take that tea offer with Professor Lupin before she leaves.


"Hullo Neville," Finley greeted as she warily looked around the pub if there were any Slytherins near by.

"You've been ignoring us," the boy said sadly, looking down to his butter beer, feeling a bit of guilt, Finley sat next to him giving him a hug.

"I'm really sorry for that Nev, things have been... crazy lately," she says filtering her words a little not wanting her friend Neville to think that she was a creep.

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