"Do you love me enough for round two?" He asked smirking. I giggled and pushed my lips back onto his, crawling on top of him so I was straddling him. "I'll take that as a yes.." He interrupted our kiss to cockily announce. He gripped my waist with one hand as his other hand lined himself up to my opening. I lowered myself down onto him, moaning into our kiss. His hand that was guiding him into me was then placed on my other hip, and he started to guide my hips up and down. The room echoed with the sound of skin slapping skin, moans and grunts, the sounds of pure love being made.


I'm chillin with the boys out on the patio deck by the pool and I go to take a hit from my vape, but it's empty. Ah shit, I thought. I asked all the boys there if any of them could fill me for tonight but they were all hassling me and wouldn't so I figured I'd go ask Michael if he'd fill me for the night. I head down to his room, and turn the door handle. It isn't locked so I just open the door and let myself in only to be exposed to y/n riding him, and them fucking like crazy.

"YO WHAT THE FUCK Y'ALL DOIN!?" I yelled, not completely turning away because it's an entertaining sight. Y/N wraps her arms around herself trying to cover herself as Michael pulls the sheets over her, wrapping them around her and himself, and pulling her into his arms while she hid her face against his chest.


"THE DOOR WAS UNLOCKED SO I JUST LET MYSELF IN!" I yelled back shrugging my shoulders. All the yelling attracted most of everyone in the house's attention. Alex and Thomas came down with their cameras clogging the whole thing, and they were followed by a couple of the boys; Calvin, Nick, Ryland, Patty, and a few of the girls; Kouvr and Sienna. So there in his door way, and the start of his room we all stood and watched as him and y/n were caught and all exposed under his sheets because they were just fucking.

"What just happened?" Alex asked laughing pointing his camera between Michael and y/n and me, and so did Thomas. Michael blushed out of embarrassment but also anger and none of us could see y/n's face, just the back of her head, but we all assumed she was bright red.

"Well I'll tell ya Alex, I just walked in on y/n and Michael fucking!" I told him. The group let out some gasps and some chuckles, or a mix of both.

"Details Paper, details!" Thomas asked for trying to get more content. I was about to tell him more when Sienna cut in walking towards them.

"Can't you guys embarrass them once they aren't naked! Have a heart!" She scolded us. She took of her long sweater covered y/n in it as she walked her to Michael bathroom, followed by Kouvr. Once they were all in the bathroom all the guys and I, except Michael, burst out laughing at him.

"Fuck off you guys, and let me put some clothes on would you." He spit at us angrily. We all hassled him as we left his room and waited for him out in the hall, a moment passed and he came out to meet us in the hall, and we all nagged on him as we all walked up to the kitchen.


"Thank you..." I said embarrassed as Sienna and Kouvr walked me into Michael's bathroom. I was still only draped in Sienna's sweater.

"Girl, don't even worry about it, they were all being asses and I could tell you were embarrassed so I had to save you from them." Sienna said.

"Yeah, they were being insensitive... They crossed a line with that one." Kouvr agreed. I pulled them both into a hug, appreciating them completely saving me from the boys.

"I should go get my clothes to put back on then..." I said awkwardly not knowing what to do next.

"Okay, we'll come with because they'll hassle you if they see you alone." Kouvr said and Sienna nodded. We walked out of Michael's bathroom and I picked up my old clothes off the floor, and the three of us walked to my room. Sienna and Kouvr sat on my bed as I put on fresh clothes, and washed my face up trying to rid my cheeks of the everlasting red glow of embarrassment. The cold water only helped bring the tint down, so they were pink now instead of scorching red.

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