Chapter 13

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Hayes' P.O.V
Do I really love Lacey? Of course. She's hot, and she's nice to me. But Emma and I obviously have something going on between us. Do I really hate Emma? Yeah but I love her. She stayed by my side in the hospital. I looked back at her, and I saw her running past her house.
Emma's P.O.V
If I go back to my house, people are just going to give me a bunch of pep talks that I don't wanna hear. I have to go to a friend's house, where they won't look. I scrolled through my contacts.
"Alexandria, Alexia, Alyssa, Amy, Aria, Bailey, Bella, Bett- ooh Brianna!" I exclaimed as I clicked on her name, and called her.
"Hey Emma!"
"Hey Bri! I have a huge favor to ask you," I said. "Can I stay at your house for a couple days?"
"Of course! When will you be over?" She asked.
"About 5-10 minutes if I go fast."
"Ok, my parents aren't here for the week, they went to New York for their anniversary," She explained.
"That's fine! I'll see you in a bit! Bye!" I hung up the phone, and ran back to my house to grab my longboard and clothes. My shirts were...
•A short sleeve shirt that says "Bish don't kill my vibe"
•A long sleeve shirt that says "Whatever"
•A long sleeve shirt that says "Pink"
I packed a few pairs of leggings, along with the rest of my clothes, grabbed my longboard and my jacket, and went back out into the January air. Bri's house was only about 3 minutes away, so I was there in a short amount of time. She was waiting outside for me in a dress.
"You didn't have to wait for me! And what are you wearing?" I wondered when we got inside.
"I know, but I wanted to. And I was trying to see what I should wear to the dance on Valentine's Day."
"Oh crap, I forgot about that!" I yelled.
"Well don't worry. What do you think of this?" Bri spun around. Honestly, the dress is kinda slutty, because it shows a ton of clevage, and a little bit of her ass.
"It's cute!" I lied. "But I can't see you wearing it at the dance."
"Yeah, I look like Lacey," She mumbled.
"Yeah," I mumbled back.
"So should we go into my room?" She asked. Her house is huge, and I've gotten lost in it before.
"Yeah, let's go!" She led me to her room, and she had her own snack bar and cupcake machine in there. Me, Bri, and Lacey are the popular ones in our school. Everyone is our friend. And we all have an enemy. Mine is Hayes, but now Lacey is an enemy too.
"You want anything from the snack bar? I just put more goldfish and oreos in there!" She pointed out.
"No, I'm good," I answered.
"So why are you here?"
"Yeah, so remember how Hayes and I pretended to date, and Lacey made up the rumor?" I asked.
"Ok well after I got suspended, Hayes and I went out to Taco Bell to talk, and I brought him into an alley, where we kissed, and he said that he liked Lacey still, after that, so I yelled at him. So while he was out on the streets, Nash hit him, and he went into a coma, where he apparently lost his memory, but he told me that he's actually had it this whole time. So here I am!" I presented myself.
"All that because of a few rumors?" Bri wondered.
"I know, it's crazy. And I only felt hate towards him until that stupid rumor about us dating," I said.
"Well, I mean, I can't blame you for liking him. He's really cute, and a good boyfriend!" She blurted out.
"Oh hell no. Don't even say that. You had a thing last year! And then he broke your heart! You can't say that he's cute!" I yelled.
"I know, but he is! I still have a few feelings for him," She mumbled.
"Well this is awkward. He's my enemy/crush, and your ex/crush." We laughed.
"You're right. I don't want him anymore. I just remembered that he was a pain in the ass alot," She giggled. I laughed so hard from that.

My Enemy, Hayes Grierحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن