Chapter 18

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Brianna's P.O.V
I woke up the next morning in Tyler's arms. I smiled at the memory of last night after the movie.
*Flashback to last night*
The movie ended, and everyone but me and Tyler were asleep. I walked to the fridge to grab a soda when Tyler found the whipped cream. He started chasing me with it, and I had no choice but to go outside.
"Tyler, stop!" I laughed as I got sprayed by the whipped cream.
"No, I want something from you first!" He answered.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" I asked.
"Everyone here is taken, everyone here has been kissing their bæ, except us. I've had the biggest crush on you for a long time," Tyler admitted.
"Really? Me too!" I replied.
"Well, what comes after this?" He wondered awkwardly.
"I think you know," I mumbled. A smile creeped on his adorable face as we walked closer together. He planted a light kiss on my lips, which caused me to kiss back. This lasted for about 2 minutes until Tyler pulled away.
"So will you be my girlfriend?" He whispered.
"Just shut up and kiss me," I whispered back. He kissed me again, but this time it was short and sweet.
"So is that a yes?"
*Back to present*
Emma's P.O.V
I woke up, and the first thing I saw was Bri and Tyler making pancakes.
"So? How'd last night go?" I smirked.
"Amazing! Tyler is such a sweet boyfriend!" She giggled.
"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT!" I started jumping around the house, causing the others to wake up.
"Really early this morning, we went outside, he and I had a moment, and we just clicked!" She got on her tippy toes, and gave him a peck on the lips.
"You finally asked her out?" Jake wondered.
"Yeah, and I feel better now!" Tyler said.
"Shit, Nash thinks I'm at home. I have to go. I'll meet you at the park at 12:45, okay?" Hayes told me.
"I love you." He ran back to me, and gave me a kiss.
"I love you too," I replied. He slipped on his damp shirt, and ran out the front door. "Um... I'm gonna head back to my place, if ya'll wanna come for a while," I suggested.
"Sure!" They agreed. We all put our jackets on, and headed to my house. When we walked in, Callie and Nash were asleep on the couch.
"Shh," I commanded. I tip-toed over to the couch. "CALLIE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"AAAGGHH!" She waved her arms and hit Nash in the face. "Oh my god, Nash! I'm so sorry baby!"
"I have good news!" I squealed.
"What is it?" Nash asked.
"I'll tell you later!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs with the others behind me. As soon as everyone was in my room, I applied some makeup, and then I got on my laptop.
"Youtube video?" Bri asked.
"Nah, let's do one later." It was currently 10:45, so I still had about 2 hours until I met Hayes. "So besides making a Youtube video, what do you wanna do?"
"We should go to the mall!" Kayla said.
"Sure, let me curl my hair really quick! It'll take 5 minutes!" I walked over to my vanity, grabbed my curling wand, and starting making beach waves in my hair. I do this almost everyday, because my natural hair is horrifying.
"You done yet?" Nick wondered.
"Aaaaanddd done!" I smiled at my hair, and looked in the mirror. "Let's go," I commanded. We walked out, and ran down the stairs. "Ok, so I'm not gonna tell them about Hayes and I yet, so keep your mouths shut!" I whispered. We continued walking down the stairs, until I tripped and fell on the last one.
"Klutz," Emily mumbled.
"Shut the fu-" I started.
"Emma!" Callie scolded.
"Oh, sorry," I giggled.
"Right. So what's the good news?" She asked me.
"I'll tell you later!" I called out as I grabbed my purse, and walked out the front door.
"Why aren't you telling them?"
"I don't know. I mean, this is my first relationship since Jack and I broke up last year, and I wanna tell them together! They've been waiting for it to happen anyways," I explained. I continued walking with my friends to the mall, since there was one within walking distance. We finally got there, and the girls begged to go to Victoria's Secret. But when I walked in, I was so shocked, it was almost funny.
Thank you for 734 views, 24 votes, and 8 comments! I love you guys!😘Tomorrow is a half day, and I'll get out at 12:45, and I'll start writing tomorrow morning, so hopefully it'll be a double updateee!

My Enemy, Hayes GrierNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ