Chapter 10

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Nash's P.O.V
I opened my door as fast as I could, and ran to the front of the car. My worst nightmare came true, I hit my little brother.
"Dammit Hayes!" I cried. "Callie! Call 911!"
"Already on it! He'll be ok. I promise," Callie said.
"You're lying," I mumbled.
"Hamilton Nash Grier, I love you so much. I would never lie to you. Especially about your family," She informed me.
"I love you too Callie Elle Grey, so much. I want us to get married, have kids, grow old, and be prune juice buddies!" I exclaimed.
"Oh! Hi my name is Callie Grey, and my boyfriend, Hamilton Grier, just accidentally hit his little brother, Benjamin Grier, with our car," She told the lady on the phone. there was a long pause. "We're at the McDonalds on 42nd Street." There was another pause. "Ok, thank you so much! And I'll make sure he gets your daughter an autograph. Thank you! Bye." Callie hung up the phone.
"So?" I wondered.
"10 minutes."
"Why hasn't he woken up yet?" I started shaking Hayes, trying to get him awake. There was a big gash on his head, and he had a few scratches on his face. "Wake up, Hayes! Wake up!" I yelled as the ambulances got to the scene.
Hayes' P.O.V
I wanted to open my eyes so badly, but couldn't do it. Everything was fuzzy, but I could understand it. The sirens, the doctors rushing me to my room, the IV being hooked up to me. I felt and heard everything. But I didn't ever hear Emma's voice.
"He's in a coma," I heard the doctor say to someone.
"I can't believe I hit him!" Nash cried. That's the last thing I thought of before my mind went blank.
Emma's P.O.V
I kept getting calls from Callie, and it was getting annoying. She'll text me if it's important. After the 12th time, I finally answered.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Emma where the hell are you, and why haven't you been answering your damn phone?" Callie wondered.
"I'm at Taco Bell, why?"
"Get down here to the hospital now!" She yelled. I was a few blocks away, so I ran to the hospital as fast as I could. When I got there, Nash, and Callie were all in the waiting room with red, puffy eyes.
"What's wrong with you guys? Where's Hayes?" I asked.
"He's in a coma," Nash mumbled.
"Oh my god, what happened?" I started getting tears in my eyes.
"He was going across the street, and I accidentally hit him with my car, and I feel so guilty!" He yelled.
"Can I go see him?" I wondered.
"Sure," Callie answered. I went into Hayes' room, and he didn't look good. His head was pretty beat up, and I couldn't watch him.
"Hey, I know you can hear me. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for saying those rude things earlier today, but you were wrong to do what you keep doing to me. I don't want to be your friend anymore. But I still care about you, so when you're desperate, you can call me," I whispered. I thought about the kiss earlier, and how much I actually enjoyed it. He may not like me, but I know that I have a crush on him, so I was staying until he woke up. I turned the TV on, and put his favorite show on, even though I hate it. Someone knocked on the door, and walked in. It was Callie and Nash.
"So this is what it feels like to have a loved one in a coma," Nash said.
"Yeah," Callie replied.
"It hurts," He mumbled.
"I know, it sucks," I told him. My little brother, Adam, was 5 years old when he went into a coma and died. I was 12, and Callie was 14. We don't talk about him.
"Hey why don't we go stay at Nila's house tonight? I can't go back home," Nash suggested.
"No! I-I'm staying!" I stuttered. They left, and I was alone again. I started pacing around the room. "What the hell have I done? This would've never happened if I had kept my mouth shut!" I yelled at myself. I sat back down it the chair next to the bed, and grabbed his hand. I cried for hours. I'll always love this boy, even if I hate him too. It was the middle of the night, but I looked for some happiness in the sky. There was none out there. Everything was dark. I walked back to the bed, and turned on Elf. I kept watching it over and over, until I was on the verge of sleeping, when sunlight beamed in. "Ah the sun is too bright," I groaned.
1 month later
I haven't made a sound in weeks, and literally haven't slept in days. Callie brings me take out everyday, but I haven't eaten in almost a week. The only designer bags I have right now, are the ones under my eyes.
"Emma?" Someone asked. I turned around and waved at Nash. "Do you wanna go get something to eat?" He wondered. I shook my head. "Come on, you've been here ever since he got hit," He whined.
"But I love him too much! So I can't leave him," I shouted.
"What?" Nash wondered.
"Ya'll are so slow," I scoffed. "Why the hell do you think I'm here? I may be mad at him, but I love him."
"Oh. So should I be expecting Hayma in the near future?" He smirked.
"No, I can't let him hurt me anymore. He'll always choose Lacey. I thought he would've learned his lesson by now," I mumbled.
"What lesson?"
"When we were 12, right after Adam died, Lacey told me that she was glad he was dead. Hayes stood up for me, and so she spread a rumor about how he had rabies. It was a weird rumor, but we were 12," I explained.
"Hayes has no damn brain," Nash laughed. "I'm tired, so I'm going back to Nila's."
"Bye!" He left the room. I started to fall asleep, when my hand moved. But the odd thing was, it was the hand that was holding Hayes' hand.
"Hayes?" I asked. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked at me with confusion.
"Who are you?" He asked me.

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