Chapter 2

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Author's note: It switches P.O.Vs alot so sorry!
Emma's P.O.V
Hayes walked in a couple minutes later, and he sat down right next to me.
"Bruh, what are you doing?" I wondered.
"Bruh, this is the only place to sit," He replied.
"Then stand!" I shot back.
"Shut up you guys! We have a rumor to take care of!" Callie yelled. The room got silent, and she continued. "Hayes what do you know about this rumor?"
"I know as much as you guys do!"
"How are we gonna fix this?" I asked.
"You are going to pretend that you're my girlfriend," He said.
"I would rather go visit the Devil in Hell, than be your fake girlfriend. But we're getting lots of attention from this, and that helps both of us for different reasons!" I debated with myself, and made a desision. "Fine I'll do it," I mumbled.
"Good. Can we go to the mall now?" Hayes whined.
"You are such a baby," I told him as Nash grabbed his keys, and headed towards the car. We went to the mall, and a bunch of fans were there. Nash obviously tweeted. They started surrounding us, and we all struggled to get out.
"Can you guys kiss? I want proof that you're a real couple," One fan growled.
"Uhh, sure?" Hayes answered hesitantly. He pulled me in, and we were centimeters away, when his lips crashed onto mine. I can't say that I didn't enjoy it, but I also can't say that I enjoyed it. I pulled away, and he looked shocked. Like he expected less from that. But it was really cute. Holy crap did I just think that? Ew!
"Is that enough for you?" I asked.
"Yep. You're really lucky," She choked out. We finally escaped the crowd, and just decided to go home. Nash and Hayes were staying the night, and I was forced to sleep with Hayes.
"I'm gonna get a cup of water," I informed Hayes.
"Okay." I walked into the kitchen, and felt extremely lightheaded. Then, my legs got shaky, and everyone turned black.
Hayes' P.O.V
I heard a loud thud, and ran into the kitchen, only to find Emma on the floor.
"Callie!" I ran through the house, trying to find her.
"What Hayes?! What is it?!" She asked worriedly.
"Something happened to Emma," I whispered. Her eyes widened, and she ran to the kitchen.
"Emma!" She cried. "Call 9-1-1!" I did as I was told, and an ambulance took her away. Nash and Callie took me to the hospital, and we went into her room.
"How is she?" I asked.
"She landed on her head. We believe that Emma fainted, and you found her just in time. She was lucky that she only has minor damage to her head, because it could've been much worse. We think she'll wake up soon though," He said.
"Wait what do you mean wake up?" I wondered.
"She's in a coma," He mumbled.
"No. No! Emma please wake up I love you so much! I love you more than you will ever know! Please," I cried. I really do love her. She never knew the real reason behind why I put glue in her chair. I've liked her since that day. I mean, you know how little kids are when they like somebody!
Emma's P.O.V
I could hear and feel everything, but I can't wake up.
"No. No! Emma please wake up I love you so much! I love you more than you will ever know! Please," I heard Hayes cry. That boy is such a freaking joke. He started cursing, and I could hear his fist bang against the table. This continued every few minutes I think. All of a sudden, I shot my eyes open.
"Emma! I've never been happier to see you!" He exclaimed.
"Ok... Anywho, where's the doctor? My coma didn't last very long," I said.
"It lasted for a few days actually," Hayes informed me.
"Really? It only felt like a few hours!"
"Yeah, so could you actually hear everything?" He wondered.
"No," I lied.
"Oh, well I'm gonna get the doctor. I'll be right back!"
Hayes' P.O.V
She's awake! And she didn't hear what I was saying, so that's good. Maybe we could start over. I want her to know the real me, not the 6 year old me. The doctors pushed me out of the way, and ran to Emma's room when I told them that she was awake. They started asking her questions, and she answered all of them.
"You know, I want to be your friend," I said when the doctors left.
"I guess we could give it a try," She replied nervously.
"Yay!" I squealed and gave her an awkward hug. Way to go Hayes.

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