entry #70 | яєѕєт

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(Y/n) sat in her corner with her knees folded up to her chest. She had no idea where Jaehyun had gone but he'd left his painting half-done, that's for sure. At least he gave her a blanket, not that it was a major improvement. He's already lost too many points in her book to ever hope to regain them.

The blond came back at least once every two hours or so to let her out and use the bathroom. And he had just left, which meant he wouldn't be back for a while. She'd have all the time in the world—at least for two hours—to sit back and do nothing.

It was boring here.

I wonder if popsicle noticed I'm gone, she mused, leaning her head on the ice-cold bars. I'd rather die than get help from them but anything beats being stuck in here. She shook her leg, the motion rattling the chain coiled like a deadly serpent on the cell floor. He thought of everything. Annoying.

She slid down until she was lying with her back pressed to the highly uncomfortable metal. If you were ever wondering how it feels like to sleep on a cell floor, it's pretty uncomfortable. Don't try it. She tossed and turned as she struggled to find a comfortable position. When that didn't work, she laid the blanket underneath her and wrapped herself in it like a cocoon.

Maybe if I sleep it out and not wake up he'd get bored. Then he'd forget about me—well, then I'd die but like, it gives me more time to chew my way out.

She eyed the thick bars. Her jaw hurt from just looking at it and her elbow still ached from where she had banged it into the ground when he tossed her in. At least she hadn't hit her head.

Whatever. I'll just go to sleep—


The door was thrown open with a loud bang, the sound making her squeak and crack her head against the bars next to her. Just when I was talking about my head! She groaned in pain and held her head in her hands. Only when the pain subsided did she dare to look up.

(E/c)-colored eyes met gold-flecked ones that darkened to amber as his eyes fixed onto hers.

"(Y/n)," he said again, this time in relief. Kieran sank to his knees before the cage. His chest rose and fell with visible effort. Sweat shone on the side of his toned neck and panic still etched dark shadows across the perfect planes of his face. He had been worried about her. Really worried.

(Y/n) threw him a questioning look though, to be honest, she was a little glad to see him. "How...did you find me?"

The white-haired male tried to say something but the fatigue got the best of him and he doubled over in a coughing fit. She looked on in concern. "Snow—um, Kieran? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He held up a hand as if signaling to her to give him a second. His hands fell on the bars and rage began to fill his face before he quickly chased it away, replacing it with his signature smirk. "Didn't know you were into these kinds of things, princess. Should've told me. I would've joined you."

And, ladies and gentlemen, he's back. She rolled her eyes and punched his shoulder. "Yeah, I'd lock you up with a gag. Then I wouldn't have to listen to you yammering ever again."

He smiled a little at her familiar retort before it fell off his face as he gazed at the bars. "I...I'm afraid I don't have the keys," he said sadly. "Did Jay do this?"

She didn't have to say anything for him to know the answer. It was all in her eyes. A spark of anger ignited in his unearthly eyes that were so close, she could see the reflection of her concerned expression in those depths. For a split second, she felt like she was alone. Which was absurd, since Kieran was right there. 

Limerence ❀ Yandere!Males x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang