♣ Jaehyun Ending | мåηïå¢

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You choose to hide
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Even if she wanted to do something she couldn't. They were too damn close now for her to rush to the window. Sure, she could try running down the stairs towards Reese—she threw a hesitant look towards the shadowy passageway—but it would be all too obvious she had gone down there. The open painting was a dead giveaway where she was. She might as well have been broadcasting her intentions to the world.

She had no choice but to leave the painting as is and hide somewhere. She hoped they'd think she had gone into the hidden staircase and went down there to check, buying her some time.

(Y/n) squeezed herself behind two large vases carrying even larger leafy plant growth. From her hiding spot, she could hear their footsteps draw closer and their voices grow louder.

"Are you sure she went this way?" She heard Tristan say. "And Matthews, quit giving me that look. I understand I'm not your favorite person right now—"

"Far from it," the black-haired male muttered under his breath.

"—But it's rather hard to concentrate on something when you have someone constantly giving you the death glare," Tristan continued as if he hadn't spoken. They fell silent and she assumed that could only mean they had discovered the open passage.

She heard a light chuckle come from the group. "It seems like I had underestimated her," the blue-haired male mused. "I did not think she'd find this entrance so quickly."

"...You broke my painting in half?" Jaehyun piped up incredulously. (Y/n) could only imagine how his face must've looked like at the moment. "All my hard work...?"

"Now, now, Jay," Kieran said with a biting grin. "You basically breathe art. Remaking it is no problem for you. Anyway, how come I didn't hear of this door, Trish-chan? And you accuse me of abusing the dorm's many hidden tunnels!"

Tristan only grunted, promptly dismissing the other male. "Well, I suppose she'd be down there. Or"—his tone dropped and (Y/n) held her breath in dread—"She could be trying to lead us to believe that she is."

"No way, you know how she is~" Kieran scoffed. "You think she could think of something like that? With what brain?"

Wow, rude. Her eye twitched in irritation. I take personal offense in that statement. And here I thought you were the most decent of the lot, snowman.

"You underestimate her, Fujikawa—"

"And you're giving her too much credit," Kieran interrupted with a laugh. "Besides, isn't she and the vice headmaster's son real close or something? She wouldn't leave him here, would she?"

His words cut deep. She felt her heart wrench painfully and part of her was tempted to rush out past the group and down the stairs. Then she would, she didn't know, cling onto Reese's cell door and scream like a banshee or something. She hadn't thought that far.

"Come on, let's go before she hops out another window." Kieran began waving the others into the door. "Ladies first~"

Tristan shot him a dark look as he passed. "I'll remember that."

"How scary."

"I'll go down there," Tristan continued, ignoring the white-haired male's taunts. "And Matthews—"

"I'll go with you," Kieran interrupted with a wink. "Always wanted to spend some quality time with my best friend~"

She heard the other male groan and Jaehyun giggle. "Fine. Whatever," Tristan sighed. "We don't need all of us going down there. Matthews, can you check upstairs?" Leon grunted in answer. "Great. Let's go."

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