entry #61 | єяåѕєd

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Her eyes landed on Leon's imposing form standing protectively in front of her. Never before has his back looked so reassuring before. The energy drained from her all at once and she sank down, curling her knees to her chest, still in shock over what happened. Everything was too fast, too sudden. Did he just...?

Leon's eyes flickered over to her briefly in concern before they hardened in anger and turned back to the white-haired male. "What the f*ck do you think you're doing?" He snarled, seizing Kieran up by his collar.

"I don't think," Kieran purred, unfazed despite the red seeping through the bandages of his reopened wound. "I do—"

Leon's fist whipped around his head and into the other male's face, making his head snap to the side. He released his grip on him, letting him fall to the ground and then he was on him, his punches relentless as he drove on after the other into Kieran's gut, limbs, and face. Kieran didn't even bother to block his attacks, choosing to take it all with an unhinged grin plastered across his face.

"You can hit me all you want," Kieran coughed as another blow found its way into his abdomen. "But it won't do a f*cking thing to me."

"I'm not a f*cking sadist," Leon growled. "I rather you f*cking die."

The white-haired male smiled a bloody smile with his lips stained with blood, making them even redder. "Does dying hurt?"

"It hurts like f*ck, you f*cking a**hole. Actually, you don't f*cking deserve to die. I should beat you up and hang you off the f*cking cliff to feed the vultures instead."

"You're already beating me up. Can't you try to be a little more creative?"

Leon's lips pulled back into a disgusted grimace as he pulled himself to his feet. "You're f*cking sick, you know that?"

Kieran lied on the ground, his limbs splayed out around him as if he was being crucified. He grinned even though it looked like it pained him to do so. "Thanks for the compliment, Leo-chan~" 

"F*ck you. You're lucky you don't feel sh*t or I'd do worse to you. Now get the f*ck out of here before I tear your insides out through your mouth."

"Ooh, kinky—"

"Get the f*ck out, Fujikawa!" His anger got the best of him and he seized the other male by his back collar and threw him towards the window. (Y/n) watched with wide-eyed horror as the impact broke the glass into a million shards and Kieran fell to the floor, laughing.

"Physics doesn't work that way," he smirked wildly. "You're not going to be able to throw me outside like that—"

"Go f*ck yourself, you bloody f*ck!" Leon picked up a chair and threw it at him. Then a particularly large book and later a vase.

Kieran shrieked, scrambling back to avoid the projectiles. "You're messing up my library! Stop it, Leo-chan!"

"F*ck off first!"

Kieran steadied himself against the bookshelf. His head must be spinning after the nasty uppercut Leon had dealt to his jaw. How he managed to stay steadily upright, (Y/n) had to admit she was impressed. He wiped the blood that escaped his lips with his thumb. The smile dropped from his face and a dark look replaced it.

"I'm not going anywhere," he said in that same chilling voice he'd used on her before. "I suggest you leave us instead, Leo."

Leon lowered the stool in his hands, confusion written across his face. Soon anger burned that all away. "You don't tell me what to do, a**hole. I'm not leaving (Y/n) with someone like you."

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