entry #37 | ¢σηтяσℓ

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"Arguing amongst ourselves won't do anything."

Ever the peacemaker and the more logical one in their friend group, it was no surprise Jasper chose the we'll-f*ck-each-other-up-later approach. "Right now, we're in the Game, and our priority is to find the Seeker. Mr. Brooks, you're the Tuner, correct?" Mr. Brooks' eyes flickered to the male and nodded in answer. "Then we should work together. You're after Faces and we are too. Isn't that easier?"

"Wait, what about Eli?" (Y/n) hissed to Keller under her breath. "He's the Cleaner—ha, that makes me laugh every time I say that—so wouldn't Mr. Brooks...?"

"Coach can handle himself," he reassured her. "I saw him throw two of our scrum halves over his shoulder like he was tossing a bag of potatoes. That dude is an all-time WWE champion, I tell you."

"Okay, dad. Makes me feel so much better."

"I don't like your tone, young lady. I'll disown you."

"You didn't even adopt me yet and you're already disowning me?!"

"Are you two alright with that?" Jasper asked the two teachers. "Our biggest threat is the Seeker and if you two are both who you say you are, we should have no problem."

Mr. Brooks' reply was immediate. "I have no qualms with working with you," he said. "It's Charles I am reluctant to let come close—"

"I am a Number," Mr. Howards huffed offendedly. "You are the one hurting my innocent students—"

"Do you really want to get into that with me? I know you're not what you s—"

"ANYWAY," Jasper said loudly, interrupting them. When Jas of all people interrupts a teacher, that means the world's ending, (Y/n) thought fearfully. "We'll head back to the classroom to see if Mr. Johnson has returned with news on Grayson's whereabouts. Sounds good?" The group nodded their approval. "Alright, let's go."

The walk back was especially awkward. Surprising no one, Jasper and Keller walked together, engaged in their banter that was highly amusing for (Y/n) to watch. Alicia was by Mr. Howards' side, and the two seemed to really hit it off. Maybe. (Y/n) didn't know what "hit it off" even meant.

Which meant she had the choice of being a permanent third wheel, walking alone, or trying to strike a conversation with Mr. Brooks. How about a no?

But surprisingly enough, Mr. Brooks was already walking next to her. "You're (Y/n) White, right?" he asked, his tone monotonous. His eyes were directed to the front, flickering to the blond teachers from time to time.

"Y-yeah," she replied slowly. "From your class."

"I am aware of who's in my class. You're also the mentee of Tristan Knight, correct?"

"T-that's true, uh, sir."

"I was told you were to come into the lab yesterday," he sighed. "I truly apologize for the...sudden change of plans."

"It's not something you can control...sir," she said awkwardly. "I can pick up on that with my tutor after all this."

He made a sound of approval and that was it. (Y/n) couldn't help but compare the teacher to a certain blue-haired male who had a similar speech pattern, if not more arrogant. They are such great conversationalists, she drawled sarcastically. Who taught them? Sign me up, please.

When they returned, Elijah was already there and without anything in his hands. She wasn't sure if she should be relieved or worried he didn't bring a body back with him. Relief that Reese may not be dead and worry that his body might've been...compromised.

Limerence ❀ Yandere!Males x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora