entry #1 | vïяυѕ

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"(Y/n)," an elderly woman scolded in a stern yet gentle tone. "How many times do I have to remind you to stay awake in class? It's your grades that are suffering because of it, not mine."

The (h/c)-haired girl covered her mouth with a free hand as she yawned, before fixing her hooded (e/c) orbs on the older woman. "But I hand in my homework every day," she whispered, as if it took too much energy for her to speak any louder. And knowing (Y/n) White, it probably did. "And I get full marks on all my projects..."

There was a collective gasp as all the staff in the teacher's lounge stared at the sleepy girl. Many of the teachers knew the girl from either their classes or as the girl who was always sleeping, whether it be in the tree next to the school building or on one of the many windowsills. That girl could fall asleep anywhere. And because she was always so sleepy, (Y/n) hated wasting what little energy she had. So all her interactions with the teachers were never more than three words.

With the exception, it seemed, of Mrs. Richards. The elderly woman shook her head and let out a sigh, but couldn't help but let a little smile show at the comical sight of the 5'4 female swaying as she did her best to stay upright.

"Projects and homework aren't the only things that count towards your grade," Mrs. Richards said, glaring at the girl playfully. "Nevermind all the tests you almost flunked because you wrote the right answers one bubble down."

"Or like that time you made bubble art on your scantron in my class," another teacher added with a hearty laugh. "The pillow art was beautiful, (Y/n)."

"...'Anks," (Y/n) mumbled as she turned slowly towards her physics teacher and nodded at him. She stifled yet another yawn and covered her mouth with her sleeve, shifting back to face the grey-haired woman. "Can I go now?"

Mrs. Richards placed her hands on her hips and shot the (h/c)-haired girl a warning look. "Not so fast, young lady. We still have to discuss your lack of participation and motivation. You are a good student, yes, and you never cause me any trouble—well, forgetting your scantrons—but you always strive for the bare minimum, (Y/n). And while that gets your passing grades in my class, that's not going to fly in the real world."

(Y/n) wrinkled her nose. "Do we really have to have the future talk here, Mrs. Richards?"

"If not now, when are we going to talk about it?" The woman patted the free seat near her. "Come on, dear. Take a seat. You look like you're about to fall over." The girl complied, slowly settling into the very nice-looking chair. She wiggled into a comfortable position and was about to close her eyes until Mrs. Richards snapped her fingers in front of her student's face.

"Oh no, you don't!" She let out a tired sigh as she forced her eyes open. "I was reluctant to let you sit at first because of this," Mrs. Richards said. "But I suppose there's no helping it. Now, where were we?"

"'Bout my grades," the girl said slyly. "We were wrapping up."

"I see, thank you, dear—wait, don't you try to trick me!" The woman laughed. I tried, (Y/n) shrugged and leaned back into her chair. "I'm not senile just yet! Alright, as I was saying, you need to show more interest in your studies, dear. What was it you said you wanted to be when you grow up?"

"Professional bed tester," she mumbled.

Mrs. Richards nodded sagely. "Yes, that's the one. Professional—hold on, that isn't a real job!" A chorus of laughter rose up in the room from the teachers that were listening in on their conversation.

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