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"Dam Ma your Baby Daddy blowing up my fucking phone, and your sister looking for you." Zae said to sounding annoyed with me as he turn in at the airport. I rolled my eyes at him but remain calm because at least he was doing me a favor. I was on my way to Texas. Moving on to bigger, and better it was nothing left back at home for me. Jay made it clear to me that he didn't want no parts to do with me or our unborn child. Most of my family was in Texas, I could really use some love and support from them right now as I go through this pregnancy. Most females, I know would have got rid of the child. I rather keep my baby, maybe this baby can bring some joy and happiness into my life. I haven't been happy or loved in so long. As Zae place the car in park I began to snap out of my thoughts.

"Thank you so much for brining me hear." "I know my sister worried about us, So please go ahead and call her and let her know where we at before she over reacts and do something stupid."

Zae grabs his phone and return toya calls. I could hear her shouting through the receiver asking him where was he and have he seen me. My sister can be  so over protective at times. That's why I let Zae did with her ass. I don't feel like hearing all that dam yelling.

"Yo your sister is chewing me out my, I can't even get a word in." Zae said to me as he held his phone in his hand.

"Zae put me on speaker phone." I said while reaching for his phone. 

"Toya this exactly why, I don't like telling you shit." "You over reacts to everything." "I'm moving to Texas with mom, and dad  until I have the baby."

"Raven you could of just said you wanted to be alone right now or that you want to visit mom and dad." "You didn't have to sneak and disappear behind my back and then have me all worried." "Got me calling some everybody looking for you." "In a way I'm glad you're leaving so I can get a break from your dramatic ass." "As for you Zae I'll deal with you when you get back home." Toya shouted back at me through the phone.

I can tell Toya was heated. So I just decided to end the conversation short. "Well if that's how you feel Toya so be it. I gota flight to catch, I'll talk with you latter."

As I got out the of the car, I grab my loui duffel bag with my belongings. "Thank you Zae for doing me this hug favor, sorry I got you chewed out." I laughed

"Fucking with you, You gone get me in the dog house." Zae laughed.

Zae reach and gave me a hug. "So you ain't gone hug me back?" He ask in his deep voice

I hugged him back, thanking him once more. Zae gripped both of his hands right on my ass. Then he whispered in ears, "You know that was supposed to be my baby right."

"Look Zae the past is the past. You with my sister now. I put y'all two together so with that being said you know I'll never be anything else between us but friendships, and a bunch of secrets."

"Deep down you know you're lying to yourself Raven. "You want to be love but soon as someone ty to love you, you run away from things. You only put me and you're sister together to keep me occupied from you." "I love your sister, but I'm also still in love with you."

Zae this is not the time this is not the place. You're gonna make me miss my flight." I said starring into his hazel eyes. Before I could walk away Zae grab my hand and place some money into it.

"Look Raven it's not much. It's just something for now. When you land call me. If you need anything call me."

I nodded at him and walk off into the airport.

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