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It's been a week now and Jay still trying to get me to quit working at the mall and come live him. He said he could tell I was being stubborn with him because it doesn't take a week to decide on coming to live with him. Jay and I was at a good place in our relationship. The unknown calls have stop, he's been being sooo romantic,and spending so much time with me. Jay has been making it easy for me to fall in love with him all over again. I just didn't want to come move with him and mess things up. I haven't talk to Dez since last week. I know she probably wondering why I'm going missing in action on her, but I got a lot of shit on my plate right now. When I have to make big decisions it stresses me out because I put a lot of thought in every decision I make. No one would understand unless their a over thinker.

"Hey girl, our work shift almost over." "Make sure all the fitting rooms clean out before we leave for today." My coworker said snapping me out my thoughts. I love working shifts with Venus. Venus and I were a team. She always made me laugh l, and made time fly by at work. She had been working at Victoria Secrets longer then me so she showed me around and taught me everything I needed to know to be able to run this place. Most importantly she was my friend anytime I needed to talk to her about anything she was always there.

"Girl I'm thinking about quitting this job and going to move with my boyfriend, and just find me another job." "He live all the way cross town." "I'll be too
Far to drive from his house to here for work." "Beside I already live 20 mins from here." "Once I move with him I'll be 45 mins away.

"Yes hun that is kinda far, If you want to live with him make sure you think about it before doing it." "Don't just move with him because that's what he wants you to do." "We both need to find us a new job anyways." "This place cutting hours, they not trying to pay us no money."

"I have thought long and hard on Venus." "I've thought about this decision all week." "To the fact that a yes or no answer is now draining me." "I think he has proven that we ready for that next stage in our relationship." "I'm going to just move in with him and put my 2 weeks in at the job today."

"When do you plan on moving in with him?"
"No latter then next weekend." I responded to Venus counting the money in the cash register making sure we had our completed closing total.

The end of the day store announcement came on letting us know our shift was now over. Venus and I walk out together. Out side was pitch black dark not a single star or cloud was in the sky.

"Well Juju we made it through the day." Venus said as we walk towards our cars in the employee parking lot.

"Thank god girl because that 1-9 was the death of me." "I'm off tomorrow so text or call me."

"Dam, I got to come back here tomorrow morning, but I'll text you.

"Ok hun drive safe." I responded back to Venus.

As I got inside my car and head onto the interstate, I connect my phone to my Bluetooth to call Jay. He didn't answer my call. Hmmm that's strange I thought to myself. So you know what I did. Blew his phone up. I call him 5 times. Still didn't
Receive a answer. Let me calm down maybe he just out working. I do know he better call me back before I pull up on his ass.

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