Chapter 10 - Part 1

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Wedding Chapter!!!!! Hope you enjoy it.

In the last chapter we went over the wedding planning process which was about 4 months. So we are going to start off sometime in December, and will then jump to April 5th in this chapter.

Andy and Robert have been together for about 15 months. Pruitt was diagnosed about 7 months ago. Ryan died about 6 months ago. (This is the last Ryan update.)

Sometime in December... Both Andy and Robert aren't religious, so they decided to ask someone who was a good friend to marry them, and they went with Lucas's sister Jennifer, because she's family to 19, and she was at Robert's first wedding.

April 5, 2020... Both Andy and Robert can't believe their wedding is in less than 10 days, and they were getting super excited, and anxious. Everything was ready, and they were just excited. They started the countdown till April 9th. Both Andy and Robert didn't want the bachelor and bachelorette parties. So they just decided on a few hours at Joe's bar. 

April 7, 2020... Today was the fittings for the suits and bridesmaid dresses. The fittings went very well, and Andy had her last dress fitting today.

April 8, 2020... Earlier today, Andy took all the decorations and set them up in the ballroom, and the garden. Andy is only following a few bridal rules like Robert can't see her the day before the wedding, and a couple others, so tonight Andy is having a slumber party at Maya's with Vic, Meredith, and Miranda, plus Carina. They didn't stay up late, and Andy had a lot of anxiety, so she couldn't sleep, so Andy and Robert had a texting conversation, because they were both having anxiety about tomorrow, eventually they both feel asleep.

April 9, 2020... Today was the day, that they have been waiting for for the past 6 months. Both Miranda and Meredith had patients to check on, so they were planning to met at the garden after they did rounds. When Andy woke up, she saw a text from Robert and it said "I love you, to my almost wife." She smiled a bit, and texted him "I love you, too. Almost husband." They were planning to get married at about 3 PM, and right now it's 8:15 AM. So Andy got out her list because it calms her. Her first list was everything to grab everything they needed for the ceremony which was scheduled for 3 PM, and then the reception is about 5 PM. She also got her second list out, and sent Vic with everything they were going for the reception to the ballroom to drop it off. After she sent Vic to the ballroom, she got everything together they were going to need for the ceremony, and finally left for the garden. 

It's Now 10:05 AM... Andy and Maya have brought everything they are going to need, the dresses, makeup, flowers, and all the other stuff. The garden had getting ready rooms, 2 for the groomsmen, and 2 for the bridesmaids. It was now time to just rest for a minute.

It's Now 12:00 PM... Vic just arrived from setting up the ballroom, and it's now time to get ready. Everyone is there, Maya got started on her makeup about 11:30 AM. It was natural makeup so they could do it themselves, but the hair was harder, so they had someone to come in and help with the hair, and check the makeup. The guys were now arriving, and starting to get ready.

It's Now 1:00 PM... Andy is starting to get ready now, she is having her makeup, and hair done by Maya, and the hair lady. Pruitt has just arrived in his suit.

It's Now 2:30 PM... All the guys are ready, and Andy is putting on her dress. After she put on her dress, that's when they heard a knock on the door. It was Jack, he brought a letter from Robert to Andy. The letter said " To my beautiful future wife, just know that I love you, and I am so excited to marry you. I can't wait to kiss you, it has been to long. Love, Robert." She had never loved him more. Everyone is ready Andy, Robert, the Bridesmaid's, and the groomsmen. 

It's Now After 3:00 PM... All the guests are there, and sitting in their seats. Then that's when Robert came in, and then came the music. Maya and Jack were the first to walk down the aisle, then Vic and Travis, then Meredith and Dean, and last of all Miranda and Ben. Then everyone rose when the music started, and Andy and Pruitt came walking down the aisle, and all Robert could think of, is that is the most beautiful women in the world. 

Then Andy and her father walked down the aisle, and Pruitt was asked "Pruitt, Do you give Andy to be married to Robert today?" He said "Yes I do." Then he kissed Andy on the cheek.

Robert went first for saying his vows, here they are: *I Robert, *I take you Andy to be my wife, and best friend for the rest of my life. *Andy, when I first met you I was closed off, but you have opened my heart, *You gave me the gift of friendship, and the best gift of all love. *I never thought I could love again, but you have proved me wrong. *You are easy to talk too, and much easier to love *You never stop trying to make me smile, and laugh *You make everyday a good day, even if it's a bad day *I promise to always love you, care for you, never leave you, support you, be kind, patient, and forgiving. I promise to always be your "Safe Place." But most of all, I promise to always love you. *I see these vows not as promises, but as privileges; I get to laugh with you, and cry with you; care for you and share with you. I am the person you will spend the rest of my life with. I get to be there for you, and support you. I don't have to honor and cherish you - I get to. *Home is not a place, it's a feeling. It's a place where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends. I want to build a home with you, on these feelings, so that way we can never leave. *Andy, with every beat of my heart, I will love you. Thank You for making me love you. I Love You!

By the end of his vow's Andy had tears in her eyes, and then it was her turn.

Andy went last for saying her vows, here they are: *I Andy, *Take you Robert to be my husband and best friend, *Robert, you have shown me what true love is, *Thank you for that, *I love how you make me smile, laugh when I have bad days, how you make me feel safe, and how you make smoothies to match my mood, and most of all I love how much you make me love you. *I love how we dance for hours, how you make me feel like we are the only people in this world, and the way you make me truly feel that you are my soulmate. *I can't promise you the world, but I can promise you my world, and all it entails. My love, support, passion, compassion, caring, adventure, and enthusiasm. *I promise that I will always love you, will always be there for you, that I will never leave you, these promises I gave give you today, will be for the rest of our lives, because we are "Meant to Be" *I Love You, Robert.

By the end of her vow's he also had tears. After the vow's Jennifer told them, you can now exchange rings, and then kiss the bride, so they exchanged rings, and kissed with the hugest smiles on their face, and then they walked back down the aisle together and left.

That's Part 1 of 2 for Chapter 10 I hope you liked it. Part 2 will be coming out this evening. An announcement will be coming sometime today. Hope you enjoy it, I had a lot of fun writing the vows, that's the best part. Leave the part you like below. 

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