Chapter 26

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Andy's 23 Weeks and 1 Day... When Andy woke up this morning, she was excited since she gets to go get her new vehicle this morning.

So, this morning Andy headed home, picked up Robert, and they headed to the dealership together to pick up her new vehicle and drop off the other one. When they got to the dealership, Andy was excited. So, she went to find Paul. He took her to her Yukon, they transferred the stuff from her old vehicle to the new one, exchanged keys, and finished signing some paperwork.

Once they finished signing the paperwork, they were good to go, so, they drove off the lot of the dealership. Conversation... Robert: What do you think? Andy: I love it so much. Robert: I'm glad. Do you want to do anything? Andy: Drive it as much as possible. Maybe, we run some errands and possibly grab some food, but rest at home first. Are you up for it? Robert: Sure.: End of Conversation After that, they go home and rest.

Around one in the afternoon, they got up, showered, and got ready to run errands. They went to a couple of stores and then grabbed dinner in downtown Seattle.

Andy's 23 Weeks and 3 Days... It's another shift day. So, Andy did her morning routine and then headed to work. Andy decided she didn't want the team to ask her a ton of questions, so she arrived at shift early. She got there while the C shift was there. She went in, got ready, ate, and started on her chores.

When Maya arrived, she noticed the new vehicle in the parking lot, and she knew that Andy and Robert were in the market for a new car, so she guessed that it was Andy's new car. Maya knew that Andy didn't want to make a big fuss, so, she showed up early. Meanwhile, the team started arriving.

When Maya came in, she saw Andy doing her normal chores. Conversation... Maya: Hey, Andy. Can I see you for a minute? Andy: Sure. (They go into her office.) Andy: What's up? Maya: I'm doing a check-in. How are you doing? You're now 23 weeks and halfway thru your pregnancy. Andy: I'm good. What's wrong? Maya: You're being taken off ambulance duty in three shifts and being put on desk duty. Andy: Why? Maya: Your belly is getting big, and that means it could dangerous. Vic told me about a dangerous patient. So, I want to be safe for your daughters. Andy: I told Vic not to tell you. I can defend myself. Ryan taught me how. Maya: I know you know how to protect yourself. However, Sullivan would be very angry if something happened to you or your daughters. Andy: Anything else?

Maya: I noticed your new car. Andy: Did Robert tell you? Maya: No. I knew you can't fit twins in that car of yours. Also, no one on C Shift has gotten a new car in a while, and none of them have young children that they'd need a new vehicle. Andy: Do you think the team will notice? Maya: I don't know. I will be with you on most of the calls during your next three shifts. Andy: Okay. I have to leave shift next shift for Robert's appointment with Amelia. Maya: Okay. Thank you for telling me. Andy: I'm going to go get back to my cleaning. I've worked on mopping the beanery and the whole floor. I'm cleaning the ambulance next. Maya: Be careful. Andy: I know. Maya: I'll be down in a few minutes to help you make sure everything is in there and ready. Andy: Okay.: End of Conversation After that, Andy goes out of Maya's office, and the rest of the team arrives.

Meanwhile, Robert is getting a surprise for Andy at the baby store and giving it to her tomorrow after his PT appointment. He got the carseats and the stroller she wanted. He was excited to surprise her.

Andy's 23 Weeks and 4 Days... When Andy got home from a shift, she was exhausted and Robert had already left for his PT appointment. So, she just went and laid down. She fell asleep quite quickly.

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