The Dysfunctional Trinity

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Top pic credit: Sleepwalkers Queen

Ari POV: a few hours earlier

My eyes blinked rapidly as I re-read Keigo's message in the sandbox for a countless time.

"I've been compromised."

"I've been compromised, he says.....I've been compromised...." I whispered out, continuing to read over the words as if they were a foreign language I couldn't quite understand.

Yeah, I know. It shouldn't have been a surprise to me. I mean, it's really not when I think about it. I guess, I'm just more surprised that my suspicions were right for once.

After spending this past month re-thinking everything about the breakup, I can pinpoint the exact moment things with Keigo and I went south. And it was right after he left me in our new apartment in Tengoku to go and meet with Dabi.

Yes, I remember it perfectly. Dabi called Keigo that morning and said he wanted to talk with him about something.

Even after the phone call, Keigo was like a dream...making promises to me, about how he'll make sure I'm smiling by the the time the cherry blossoms fall, and every other amazing, sappy thing you could think of.

Man. I miss that day. If only we could return back to it.

But, anyways.......

Back to the timeline I was making in my head...

I didn't hear from Keigo for three days after he left me alone in Tengoku, which can only mean that whatever resulted in him becoming compromised by the enemy, it must have happened within those three days.

And it must have something to do with some sort of surveillance that Keigo is under, considering the strategic way he's been acting.

Yes...I say strategic, because the more I think about it....the more it makes sense....

The way he doesn't want me to say his real name.

Or the way he had to leave and ensure he was out of sight, before giving me this message in the sandbox.

The body language.

The strange, out of character phrases.

And....our breakup. The abruptness of it all. It's what's been wracking my mind for the past month. It's the same question I've been mulling over in my head for four weeks....

Why would Keigo breakup with me, when he just asked me to marry him, and bought us an apartment?

And now, after a lot of confusion and unknowns....he's finally told me the answer to that question....I think....

If I just...reflect back on that day...

A month ago, I wouldn't have noticed it, because I was so hurt and shocked by the revelation of Jeanist, but now I remember how sad and sunken Keigo looked when he saw me in his apartment the day he ended things between us.

How quickly he packed his bags, like he was desperately trying to leave before I gave him too much of a reason to stay.

His words...

"What I'm saying, is that this has been fun while it lasted, but now it's time for the number two hero to get some work done."

Number two hero. Work....

That was a code. Right there. That was Keigo's first code to me, and I missed it until now.

It was his way of trying to say...

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