Secret Involvement

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Top pic credit: unknown. Tell me if you know

Feeling an arm hook around my waist, I slowly began waking up.

Not having the energy to open my eyes just yet, I inhaled the faint, familiar aroma of peppermint, and fresh laundry. Mm, that scent is definitely Keigo's.



Keigo's scent. The arm around me. Oh no. I must have fallen asleep in his room.

I forced my eyes open, only now feeling a face snuggling impossibly deeper into the crook of my neck.

Looking through glazed, tired eyes, I realized I was definitely in the guest room. The balcony window was still open, from last night, and I was laying on my side, with a soft, vermillion wing draped over my body.

As cozy as I was, I needed to get up. Luckily, it was still dark outside, so it's probably only been a couple hours since Keigo and I fell asleep.

"Hey. Keigo." I mumbled lazily, softly nudging his wing with my elbow.

"No." He uttered, pulling me closer to his body.

Fighting the sleep that threatened to take me again, I began shuffling around in the bed...attempting to wake up more.

"Yes." I countered lightly, trying to pry his arm off my body.

He groaned in tired annoyance, hooking his leg around me now to hold me in place.

I rolled my up for a moment, and feeling him smile against my neck.

"You're a child." I retorted in amusement, as I threw my head back into the pillows, hearing him hum in tired happiness.

"A child at heart." He countered, pulling me onto his body.

My bare chest was against his clothed one, making me realize I was still naked.

"Hey, why am I the only one who's naked here?" I pouted, propping my elbows up on his chest.

Keigo simply shrugged, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Dunno. Good question. Why, you wanna change that?" He smirked, raising his brows suggestively. His hands trailed my back under the covers, before resting comfortably on my bare butt.

"Yes I do." I whispered seductively, watching his eyes light up with lust.


"I wanna change getting dressed." I grinned, still feigning a seductive tone as he groaned in sexual frustration.

"Low blow, chicky. Low blow." He mumbled, not being able to hide the smile that crept onto his face.

I giggled softly, planting my lips on his perfect ones.

He hummed contently, pulling me closer by the back of my head.

The bird boy worked quick, already trying to touch me again. I could tell he was still very frisky right now, as I quickly stopped our kiss.

"Keigo, do you wanna die? My parents would kill you if they saw me in your bed, naked." I stated, giving him one more chaste kiss as I forced myself to climb out of the bed.

Keigo weakly clung onto my waist, trying to stop me from leaving one more time, before he finally gave up.

He plopped forward on the bed, his crazy, sleep ridden...(and pulled) hair sticking out in all different directions, like a mad scientist.

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