Life As We Know It

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Top pic credit: KadeArt

*This is so sad. Alexa, play No Time to Die by Billie Eilish. (Seriously though, that's the song I listened to when I wrote this chap. That, and "everything I wanted." So, listen to those while reading if ya want an even MORE ANGSTY experience)*

And just like that....

I felt my entire world come crashing down.




He did not just say Dabi.

Is this a joke?

Because it's not a very funny one.

Keigo squeezed my thighs lightly, continuing to meet my gaze intensely.

All I could do was look back at him in blank shock, desperately trying to find any familiar traces of warmth in those golden eyes of his.

But, no matter how hard I looked at him....all I could see was blank, emotionless distance.

"Ah, I've made you speechless? Gotta say, little dove....I think that's a first. Wouldn't you say so?" Keigo stated lowly, his tone of voice coming out unrecognizably cold.

There it was again.....that sinister...dark.....isolated demeanor. The demeanor that was still him, just more malicious.

Evil, almost.

This isn't real. Wake up, Ari. Wake up.

I felt my mouth continue opening and closing....trying to find the words to say.

But nothing came out.

This doesn't make sense.

I must be dreaming-

Not him. Not Keigo. Not the same Keigo who smiles at me everyday. Not the same Keigo who leaves breakfast on my desk, because he knows I never have time to eat. Or the same Keigo who eats dinosaur chicken nuggets, because he thinks they taste better than the regular kind. Not the same Keigo who makes a fool out of himself just to see me laugh. Or the same Keigo who holds me close to him when he takes me flying. Definitely not the same Keigo who tells me I'm the most beautiful girl in the world, and holds me when I cry. Or the Keigo who gazes at me with those gentle, warm eyes....telling me he wishes moments with me would be the moments that last forever.

Not the same Keigo....who told me he loves me.

My heart began pounding out of my chest as the revelation began hitting me like a Mac truck.


No way. This is a ploy! Right?! This must be apart of his plan?! There's probably more heroes hiding around here. I bet Keigo decided to act as the decoy while the others wait for his signal to break me out of here-

"Took you long enough, bird. I was wondering when you'd show up....or if you'd even show up at all." Dabi said casually, not sounding surprised to see Keigo in the slightest. The familiarity in Dabi's tone nearly killed me as I realized...

They. Really. Know. Each. Other.

Keigo was quiet for a moment, keeping my gaze strongly as he gave my thighs a particularly tight squeeze. So tight, it hurt a little.

Why does he keep doing that?

His jaw tensed roughly as he finally released me, slowly breaking my gaze. Just for a second, his eyes squeezed shut, his brows knit together, looking like I just punched him in the stomach.

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