Blurred Reality

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Top pic credit: KadeArt

Keigo POV:

The walk down the familiar alleyway brought about a somber sense of nostalgia that I wish I never had to experience.

How many times have I been here now? Countless. How many times have I met Dabi here, so he could discuss and monologue his diabolical plans to me? Plans to kill millions of innocent people, and force me to simply laugh in agreement with him to their future deaths?

Well, let's see-not that I actually wanna get into it all that much....but there was the time I met him here, after the fight with the high end Nomu. That was the very first time he ever asked me about Ari...and looking back on it seems Dabi already knew she was a weakness for me from the very beginning. For eight months, he's known...

" her. Don't you?" He asked in pure, evil amusement.

"No. I don't." I responded much too quickly, causing Dabi to step in again.

"No, no, no. I think you do. The way you took care of her. The way you were looking at her."

Right off the bat....Dabi had correctly guessed that I had feelings for Ari, before I even admitted it to myself.

Why didn't I see that sooner? Or, maybe I was too busy drowning in my own self denial about my attraction to Ari, that it distracted me from seeing that Dabi knew the truth the whole time.

Ah, but either way...I couldn't deny my slight surprise when Dabi finally spilled the beans last month, and revealed that he knew Ari and I were in a serious relationship.

I hate myself for being surprised. I hate myself for being caught off guard, coming to the revelation that Dabi knew about my secret attraction, and then relationship, with Ari....for the entire duration it's been happening.

I hate that I didn't see this, because it means that Dabi was able to keep his own secrets to himself, right under my nose.

And if he did such a thing about my relationship with just makes me wonder...

What else does Dabi know about me? I'm already aware that he knows more than he lets on...but...

What does he know?

I sighed softly in stress at the thought, starting to rethink every approach and conversation involving Dabi and I for the past eight months.

I'm starting to feel doubtful about this situation. There's a bad feeling in my gut, almost like my body is trying to ring warning bells in my head...telling me to get out now while I still can, and forget all of this.

But, I can't.

This is my job. And if it means I experience a little discomfort, so others can live peacefully and well....then, I'll do it. Because that's my self sacrifice to the world, and my duty as Hawks.

I shoved my hands in my pockets as I continued casually walking down the pitch black alleyway. I was starting to near the dead-end wall in front of me, and Dabi still hadn't shown himself yet.

Ah, but that's just how he does things. I know his games by now-or at least, some of them. For a guy who likes to brood, he sure is dramatic.

I'm sure he'll try to leap out from the shadows first, and attempt to land a hit on me with his fire-or immediately hit the conversation off with some lethal threat on Ari or myself.

Sure, Dabi may think he knows a good deal about me, already. But, don't think I'm over here, just preening my feathers and letting this whole situation idly pass me by.

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