Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
"I feel like I've picked up a lost puppy dog"

"I guess I kind of dozed off?"

"You really dont have a brain, do you? I woudnt be surprised if you were born with a rock for a brain"

"I hadnt mean to. I just closed my eyes for a second..."

He lets out a small grumble as he was mocking me under his breath, "Just use your brain next time, short stack" I smile nodding,

"So you arent mad at me anymore?" I asked and he glares at me making me laugh, "Nevermind, dont answer that"

-Y/n pov-

We walk up the stairs as I follow him to wherever he was taking me. "If you mess or break anything youre never going to be allowed back in my room ever again" He warns me as he stops at a door with a sign in the front saying Keep Out. He opens the door and walks in, I slowly follow after him. This was the first time entering someone's room whom I wasnt related to.

His room was larger than I expected it to be. There was a whole other half of the room I couldnt see from the window, but just like I had expected, his room was organized. Being inside of the room, I noticed that there was more than one shelf of All Might collectibles except for a few shelves that were over top of his desk. I could see the books that were neatly put together as I could read a lot of them saying anger management.

The other half of the room, which I couldnt see, was all work out stuff. I wasnt extremely knowledgeable on all of the equipment, but I could tell he took working out seriously. I mean, It was kind of already noticeable but I didnt really think of it that much.

He places his school bag down over by the desk before pointing at the other end of the room, "There are all of my weights" He speaks as he moves over and goes over to them. He had a shoe slot compartment which was full of hand weights of all types of colors. They all had numbers on the side of them and it seemed like the bigger the number the closer they were to the bottom. "You said 10, right?"

I walk over next to him and bend over as I nod, "Yeah" He grabs a blue colored weight from the top row which showed the number 10 on the side of it. He places it down on the ground in front of me,

"Try lifting it" He speaks and I nod. I walk over to the wall and sit down, leaning against it. I raised my hand to lift the weight and it floats up with ease. "Looks like you picked it up with ease" He states and I nod. I twist it around before moving it to slide back into the slot. He pulls another one, this one having the number 12 on the side. "Try this one" He speaks and I go to lift it up. Just like the 10, it went up pretty easily. This time though, I could feel the strain in my hands. Since I use my hands to help direct my quirk to a specific location, when I use it on something it cant handle, the first place it effects is my hands. It usually goes away after I've gotten used to the weight of the object or amount of items im picking up at once.

"I can pick it up but its straining my hands" I say and he grabs another one, which was black in color and the number 15 was written on the side.

"Try this one as well" He directs me and I nod again. I lowered the 12 and moved to pick up the 15. I use my quirk to pick it up and it slowly, but surely, floats up. I wince at the pain in my hands before I loose control and the 15 drops. Katsuki, who was watching, catches it before it hit the floor. I grab my right hand as the pain slowly left since I dropped it. "For the time being, you can take the 12 and 15 pounds. You shouldnt lift the 15 pounds until youre completely comfortable with the 12" He speaks as I was panting a little. His eyes hit mine, "Youre already worn out? Are you serious?"

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