Chapter 32

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Chapter 32
"Father and Daughter"

"mom?" I asked suddenly as she looked at Midoriya with sympathy, "Whats wrong?" she than began to pull me away and when I looked back the boy was gone. "Wait- mom- whats going on?" I asked as she continued pulling me.

She stops and looks around us. We had gotten separated from everyone and I couldnt help but be in fear from the way mom was acting. "Mom?" I asked as she stopped and she looks at me with a sad smile.

"Im sorry," She says coming close to give me a hug, "We had to get going because I lost sight of everyone. Looks like I lost them completely now" She whispers and for some reason, I couldnt find myself to believe her words. It was almost like she was hiding something from me as she moves to open her phone and call someone. Why did she act like that and if she was hiding something, what would she have to hide from me?

-y/n pov-

When we joined back up with the group, I spoke nothing of the matter. We continued on with the rest of the plans and headed home to watch the first sunrise. Katsuki had noticed something was wrong with me and asked, but in the spur of the moment, I told him it was nothing even if i desperately wanted to tell him.

After a few days, the interaction had left my thoughts. Break was almost over and I did my best to spend as much time with Katsuki before then. I got a hang of the programming on the drawing tablet on the last day of break, so it was finally time to plan out Katsuki's hero costume.

Katsuki explained how he could make pretty large explosions, but producing the large ones strained his hands. He needed something he could use that would allow him to make large explosions without any issues. We ended up designing large grenade gauntlets that will absorb his sweat which he can use all at once on his command.

 We ended up designing large grenade gauntlets that will absorb his sweat which he can use all at once on his command

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Off of that we based his costume around orange and green. Green going with grenades and orange going with his explosion aesthetic. We added black and light grey as it complimented the colors. We spent several hours and he told me when he didnt like something, which I would change. In the end, though, we finished his entire hero costume layout.

School started back up and we were back to our normal schedule. The cold weather warmed up and I was able to go outside. For the first time, dad had a day off, meaning he was finally around the house. "Get dressed" Dad speaks as he had let himself in my room. I had finished my home schooling earlier than usual. I looked over in a questionable look,

"Okay" I say with a nod as he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. I stand up from my desk to stretch. I get dressed quickly and leave the room to see what was going on. "Whats going on?" I asked as I walk into the living room, dad was putting his shoes on.

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