Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
"Pushing past limits"

"Fine! What do you want from me?" He asked irritated,

"Nothing~!" I giggle, now satisfied that he had asked me what he could do to make it up to me, which was just another way of saying sorry.

"You're pissing me off" he says as I poke my head out to look at him. He had now moved over to his equipment to clean them all off.

"You said you like mountains, right?"

"Mountain climbing" he corrects me and I laugh,

"I'll take that as a yes"

-y/n pov-

"He wants a painting?" Mom asked as we took the car to a craft store in town. I nod, I wasnt sure exactly what to paint but I was hoping to find mini canvases so I could paint all the things he liked and have it done in the little bit of time we have left.

"Apparently he wants a painting to hang up on his wall" I say as she parked. We got out of the warm car and stepped into the blazing cold weather. We made our way into the craft shop and I smile as this was my first time inside. Too bad Katsuki didnt come with us.

We did a small amount of looking around and I found all the canvases I was needing to paint several little tiny paintings. Mom hands me the money while she quickly makes her way to the bathroom for a short second. The man scans the canvases as I looked out the side window. Despite the super cold weather, there was still a lot of people out and about outside. It was surprising and I wondered how people can do that without freezing their fingers off.

When the man finishes I pay him, him in return giving me the change and the small canvases in a bag. "Thank you" I smile as I move my footing, but suddenly we hear a crash which is followed by screaming. My head snaps back to the side window and I see people running in one direction. Without thinking, my feet moves and I rush outside to see what in the world was happening.

My head scans the direction of where everyone was running from, before my eyes widened as something was flying toward my direction. My hand drops the bag with the canvases and my hand raises in self defense. Activating my quirk, the piece of ruble, which I can assume is from a piece of building, slowed in speed before falling to the ground. This being the first time ever being in a situation, my best option was to use my quirk to press force against the object to stop it from coming at me.

I cringed as the ruble smashed down on top of a bush, but thankfully it didnt land on anyone. I moved quickly, trying to find out what the problem was. After moving over to the side, I could see two people brawling it out in the middle of the street, one shooting out chains uncontrollably which crashed into the buildings around them and the other seemed to have some kind of crystallization quirk as he was pulling large crystals out of his body.

My eyes watched as another chain shot out, going towards the mob of people trying to flee from the scene. My feet moved and before I knew it, I was standing in the way with my hands up. I use my quirk to grab a hold of the chain and stop it from continuing on. My eyes widened when the chain was pulled back from the caster, making me release my grip.

"Where the hell are the pro heroes?" I say as I looked around and another chain snaps around, hitting a building and breaking another piece of the building, sending it flying. My hands lift towards the ruble and I stop it, but this time it comes falling straight for people trying to run.

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